Contains:  Solar system body or event
Venus - 2020.04.03, lefty7283

Venus - 2020.04.03

Venus - 2020.04.03, lefty7283

Venus - 2020.04.03



Acquisition details



Decided to go after Venus super fast before astro dark. Unfortunately clouds rolled in right as I started my deep sky images, but I at least got a good planetary pic. Although this was the night Venus was in the Pleiades cluster, my focal length/FOV and lack of tracking on my ETX meant that I couldn't get the rest of the cluster. Captured on April 3rd, 2020.

**If you want to see more of my photos check out my:**

[Instagram]( | [Flickr]( | [Astrobin](



* Meade ETX-125EC (1900mm, F/15)

* AW 71" Camera Tripod


* Meade #64 adapter

**Acquisition:** Sharpcap for camera control. Telescope was hand tracked.

* Captured 3000 frames at ~53fps (ROI crop)


* Stacked the best 10% of frames in Autostakkert with 3X drizzle

* RGB alignment in Registax

* Annotation in PixInsight

(I opted not to do any sharpening, as this only make the bayer matrix highly visible)



Venus - 2020.04.03, lefty7283