Celestial hemisphere:  Northern  ·  Constellation: Perseus (Per)  ·  Contains:  10 Per  ·  7 Per)  ·  7 chi Per  ·  8 Per  ·  Double cluster  ·  HD13659  ·  HD13716  ·  HD13831  ·  HD13841  ·  HD13854  ·  HD13866  ·  HD13890  ·  HD13910  ·  HD13969  ·  HD13970  ·  HD14026  ·  HD14052  ·  HD14053  ·  HD14134  ·  HD14143  ·  HD14210  ·  HD14250  ·  HD14270  ·  HD14289  ·  HD14330  ·  HD14357  ·  HD14433  ·  HD14434  ·  HD14443  ·  HD14469  ·  And 21 more.
Caldwell 14 - Double Cluster in Perseus, Drew Evans
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Caldwell 14 - Double Cluster in Perseus

Caldwell 14 - Double Cluster in Perseus, Drew Evans
Powered byPixInsight

Caldwell 14 - Double Cluster in Perseus



Acquisition details



The beautiful open Double Cluster in the constellation of Perseus (NGC 869 and NGC 884).
Like a field of diamonds glittering almost directly overhead in early winter.

Captured with just 3 hours of data in Bortle Class 2 skies outside Flagstaff, Arizona (https://NAZObservatory.com)

OTA: Askar 140 APO 140mm f/7 Triplet Refractor Telescope with 1.0x flattener
Mount: iOptron CEM70
Camera: ZWO ASI2400MC Pro
Gain: 153
Cooling Temperature: -10 degrees celsius

Filter: Astronomik Luminance L-3
3 hours total acquisition time

Auto-guiding: ZWO ASI174MM Mini and ZWO OAGL
Control: ZWO ASIAIR Pro

Calibrated in Astro Pixel Processor with darks, flats, and dark flats
Processed in Pixinsight


Sky plot

Sky plot


Caldwell 14 - Double Cluster in Perseus, Drew Evans