Contains:  Extremely wide field
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Aurora Australis with an Ozzie Twist

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Aurora Australis with an Ozzie Twist



Acquisition details



This video is from an AllSky camera I installed at my remote observatory many years ago. It's a low-end, uncooled ZWO colour camera. It's been in the field for years, bravely staring straight into the Ozzie sun daily. It's had a challenging life, yet it continues diligently serving its purpose, verifying weather/cloud conditions and calibrating a weather station to initiate a dome closure in bad weather.   

As with most quick videos, there's always something unique to discover. In this one, you'll spot a friendly little fellow who seems to enjoy the heat of the camera’s dew heather.   Another interesting thing is that 'wacky red bow' running through the frame, an artefact from the red cast across the sky during the Aurora event.  Further into the video, it disappears around 3:00 a.m. 

The date and time are located at the top left of the frame. This is a dark site—Bortle 1—and there is never any hint of light that you can see in this video at the bottom of the screen or that wacky red bow running through the frame.  That artifact is red airglow refracting through the plastic dome, shielding the camera from the elements.

Thanks for looking.

I couldn't find an Aurora Australis section   So I choose Extremely Wide Field.
