Contains:  Solar system body or event
Sun - 11/4/23, Ed Dixon

Sun - 11/4/23

Sun - 11/4/23, Ed Dixon

Sun - 11/4/23



Acquisition details



First cut at an image of the Sun (11/4/23 around 1:46 PM) with a Daystar Quark eyepiece attachment. This was taken with a William Optics Z61 riding on a iOptron HEM27 mount and a ZWO ASI294MM camera. This is from two sets of about 1381 frames each at 4144x2822 resolution with one for the surface portion and a second for the prominence part.  Exposure was 40ms and a gain of 0 for surface, and gain 129 for the second with the best 25% stacked and processed.  Resulting images were processed and combined with PIPP, Autostakkert, GIMP, Pixinsight, and Windows, and Apple edit.



Sun - 11/4/23, Ed Dixon