Celestial hemisphere:  Southern  ·  Constellation: Eridanus (Eri)  ·  Contains:  19 Ori)  ·  62 Eri  ·  65 Eri)  ·  67 Eri)  ·  69 Eri)  ·  Algebar (β Ori  ·  Dhalim (β Eri  ·  NGC 1909  ·  Part of the constellation Eridanus (Eri)  ·  The star 63 Eri  ·  The star 66 Eri  ·  The star 68 Eri  ·  The star Cursa  ·  The star Kursi al Jauzah I (ψ Eri  ·  The star Kursi al Jauzah II (λ Eri  ·  The star Rigel  ·  The star b Eri  ·  the Witch Head Nebula
Witch Head Nebula (Pleiades 68 First Light), Trevor Jones
Witch Head Nebula (Pleiades 68 First Light)
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Witch Head Nebula (Pleiades 68 First Light)

Witch Head Nebula (Pleiades 68 First Light), Trevor Jones
Witch Head Nebula (Pleiades 68 First Light)
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Witch Head Nebula (Pleiades 68 First Light)



Acquisition details



First Light with the William Optics Pleiades 68! 

I captured this image of the famous 'Witch Head Nebula' in Orion at the Winter Star Party last week...

Not bad for a rig I brought with me in my carry-on luggage! 😄

The intensely bright star Rigel lights up this reflection nebula, and I chose to frame the image to include it.

I hope you have a chance to photograph this incredible deep-sky object this month before it's gone!


Sky plot

Sky plot


Witch Head Nebula (Pleiades 68 First Light), Trevor Jones