VDB 152 HA OIII LRGB, Matthis Debruyne
VDB 152 HA OIII LRGB, Matthis Debruyne



Acquisition details



The resulting image unveils an intricate tapestry of celestial beauty, where a symphony of nebular diversity dances across the canvas of space, draped in the ethereal cloak of interstellar dust. Within this cosmic tableau, four distinct types of nebulae grace the stage, each contributing its own unique allure to the grand panorama of the cosmos:
  1. Barnard 175 - The Enigmatic Sentinel: At the forefront of this celestial ensemble stands Barnard 175, a formidable, obsidian monolith of interstellar dust. It guards the secrets of the heavens, concealing starlight behind its inky facade, giving rise to a captivating enigma.
  2. Vdb 152 - The Sapphire Guiding Light: Atop this somber sentinel, Vdb 152 emerges as a luminous reflection nebula, a sapphire beacon illuminating the cosmic path. Its radiant display is a testament to the cosmic ballet of starlight and dust, casting an azure glow, beckoning celestial wanderers.
  3. DeHt-5 - The Echo of Aging Stars: DeHt-5, an aging planetary nebula, graces this celestial canvas with its spectral brilliance. Emitting predominantly in the wavelengths of ionized hydrogen and oxygen, it paints the firmament with a rich tapestry of red and blue, bearing witness to the turbulent life cycles of stars.
  4. SNR 110.3 + 11.3 - The Echoes of Cosmic Catastrophe: Across the expanse, fiery crimson tendrils of ionized hydrogen filaments crisscross the field, remnants of the cataclysmic explosions that define the cosmos. SNR 110.3 + 11.3 stands as an enduring testament to these celestial upheavals.

Even amidst the bustling heart of the Milky Way, where the night sky is densely populated, distant galaxies emerge as glimmering jewels in the cosmic backdrop. Their shimmering presence serves as a poignant reminder of the vastness of our universe. In this celestial menagerie, we are afforded a glimpse of the grandeur and complexity of the cosmos, inviting us to explore its mysteries and marvel at the breathtaking beauty of the night sky.



VDB 152 HA OIII LRGB, Matthis Debruyne