M81 - Bodes-Galaxy and Cigar-Galaxy, Andre Reifenrath

M81 - Bodes-Galaxy and Cigar-Galaxy

M81 - Bodes-Galaxy and Cigar-Galaxy, Andre Reifenrath

M81 - Bodes-Galaxy and Cigar-Galaxy



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Messier 81 (NGC 3031) in Ursa Major is one of the most striking spiral galaxies in the sky. It forms a physical pair with its neighbour M82 and is the dominant galaxy of the M81 group. It was discovered together with M82 by Johann Bode and is sometimes referred to as the Bode Nebula. M81 is one of the easiest and most rewarding galaxies for amateur astronomers in the northern hemisphere.

M81 was first discovered in 1774 by Johann Elert Bode, who found it together with M82. Bode described it as a "nebulous spot" that "appears mostly round and has a dense core in the centre". Pierre Méchain rediscovered both galaxies independently of each other in 1779 and reported them to Charles Messier, who included them in his catalogue in 1781.



M81 - Bodes-Galaxy and Cigar-Galaxy, Andre Reifenrath