Celestial hemisphere:  Northern  ·  Constellation: Cepheus (Cep)  ·  Contains:  IC 1396
Elephant Trunk Nebula 2023, Chris Kagy
Elephant Trunk Nebula 2023
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Elephant Trunk Nebula 2023

Elephant Trunk Nebula 2023, Chris Kagy
Elephant Trunk Nebula 2023
Powered byPixInsight

Elephant Trunk Nebula 2023



Acquisition details



My 2023 rendition of the Elephant Trunk Nebula, captured from my back yard in Arlington, VA. I gathered 10hr of Ha, 12hr of OIII, and 7h SII with my AT80EDT, ASI1600MM Pro, and Astrodon filters. 

After stacking, I decided that I wanted to aim to print this one, so I re-stacked and drizzled 2x. In PI, I used BXT on the frames individually, then extracted the stars. I stretched each frame with GHS, playing with the symmetry point to try to add contrast to the details and all the stuff going on in the nebula. The three filters were combined in SHO to generate the tricolor image. I  went back to the Ha and further sharpened, and used HDRMT to emphasize the contrast a little more before combining this with the tricolor images to make an LRGB (really HaSIIIHaOIII).

I pulled a TIFF into photoshop, cropped to print dimensions, and made a series of 8x10 test prints, adjusting brightness and curves as needed to get the print I wanted, before making a final crop and printing 13x19.


Sky plot

Sky plot


Elephant Trunk Nebula 2023, Chris Kagy

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