Thoughts on enforcing equipment and acquisitions when submitting to the IOTD/TP process AstroBin Beta Testers · Salvatore Iovene · ... · 39 · 658 · 0

javaruck 5.05
I support this 100%.
DaleChamberlain 0.90
I agree with the proposed changes. I believe for an image to be considered, no submitter would reasonably object to provide the details. 

I personally wish every submission had complete data about it.
Taman 0.00
·  1 like
I also agree with this. It's a shame you can't enforce it for all images, regardless of IOTD submission.

Gary.JONES 6.06
I also agree 100% ...
It requires very little effort to enter session / image details.

This information also provides motivation to aspiring astrophotographers, when they can see the quality of images captured using specific equipment.

So - yes - make it mandatory

Gary (South)
mastermerlin 0.90
Salvatore, as you can see most of the Beta Testers see it beneficial, whilst I assume these are the ones taking the hobby very serious. As you have asked us, I would do a poll to the community in the same way. 

Personally I would also like to see a minimum of data linked to an image.
As you have asked us, I would do a poll to the community in the same way.

The point of the Beta Testers group, besides helping test new features, is to provide feedback and guidance like in this instance, with the assumption that the opinions of this group are representative of the community at large. I am fully aware that some people will be unhappy with this change, but the responses in this topic indicate that most people will appreciate the change.

I'm going to go ahead with it, thank you all for supporting the idea!
jeffbax 13.18
·  1 like
I support the idea Salva. I personnally never promote images when equipement is not filled.

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It’s done. Thank you all!
afjk 3.58
Yes, please make this mandatory - it is key to learning to understand which path of equipments others have gone. And also to get a feeling of capabilities of certain equipments is helpful.

But you could add a bit more upload comfort by allowing a default set for a user if wanted, as not everybody is travelling around with different gear to different places for each and every picture. Allowing a default would much help to minimize upload effort (on top of the setup that can be saved but must be picked during upload).

Of course there is a risk of false data being attributed by a default - but of one does not care, he or she might as well pick sloppily from their equipment list in a fully manual process as well. 

But you could add a bit more upload comfort by allowing a default set for a user if wanted, as not everybody is travelling around with different gear to different places for each and every picture. Allowing a default would much help to minimize upload effort (on top of the setup that can be saved but must be picked during upload).

This already exists: "Load preset" for equipment, and "Copy from another image" for acquisitions.
DalePenkala 19.80
Salvatore, my personal feeling on this is if you’re submitting an image for a “recognition/award” standpoint it should be required period. If you look at other sites that you can submit images for there recognition EVERYONE of them make this a minimum mandatory information for them to consider the image.
One of the reviewers mentioned above that he won’t consider an image unless the info is with the image, so if this is the case it’s kinda already or at the very least partially in place. My gut would tell me that if 1 person is doing this more are probably doing it as well.

Again just my 2 cents.

AccidentalAstronomers 11.51
I'd agree.  If you want to be recognized, than putting forth a little effort shouldn't be a problem.  Simple as. 


What he said.
Gary.JONES 6.06
I agree with most of the above, but would like to add a few thoughts ...
1. I agree that members should be encouraged to include basic information such as telescope, camera and number of subs when uploading an image;
2. I acknowledge that some folks might prefer not to do this, for whatever reason, and that is completely OK and should be permitted;
3. For those who prefer not to add this information, making it mandatory will only encourage them to add fake info - which defeats the purpose;
4. It is perfectly reasonable to make the inclusion of this information a requirement for any image to be considered for IOTD or Top Pick.

So, I would :-
a. add a notice to encourage people to include as much info as they can when uploading an image;
b. not make it mandatory to do so;
c. amend the IOTD Principles & Guidelines to exclude images that do not have this basic information.

That way,  expectations are clear with respect to uploading images in general, and images as candidates for IOTD.
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LookBackInTime 2.41
I think including the acquisition info is imperative.  One of the main reasons I come to Astrobin is to see how other people are achieving their results.  I think a large percentage of us would agree.
Nicla.Camerin_Maurizio.Camerin 6.63
Hi Salvatore,
My though in this theme: Any photography 'daylight' contest around the world ask always to fill details of the image submited: camera, lenses, time exposure, ASA, place and date.  I do not see any reason for not ask this information in the images submitted for IOTD in Astrobin.

Should be a regular rule.  If NASA APOD do not ask them (but people write that information anyway) is other matter, but they do ask clarify this :

"Ethics statement: APOD accepts composited or digitally manipulated images, but requires them to be identified as such and to have the techniques used described in a straightforward, honest and complete way."

This statement is a bit confused (for me) because in some way every astroimage has some 'degre' of digital manipulation, I meant, each 'denoise',  deconvolution, blur, gradient, etc tool used is a 'kind' of digital manipulation...but I hope you understand what I meant which is also an observation for the people that are evaluating the IOTD Astrobin images in the sense when this manipulation produce a 'composite' image.

In the other hand, I saw many times, members do not fill the data in the Astrobin tools but they write up all the complete information of the image data in the description field.

I am not sure if consider this second modality of data information filled in the description field ok for the submition for IOTD but I point out this behavior and most of the time are people that produce very good quality images.

Best regard,
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