A picture of your setup (rig) in your catalog Generic equipment discussions · Mike H · ... · 14 · 937 · 0

Mikeinfortmyers 7.83
I love to scan the fantastic images posted here on Astrobin. I look every morning to see what's new. When I see an image I really like or a telescope listed I'm not that familiar with, I go to that person's page and look for an image of their setup. Most of the time, there isn't one. I think it would be great if everyone put a picture of their setup with their catalog of images. I'm an equipment junkie I enjoy looking at a beautiful scope and mount "almost" as much as the image it took. Just this morning I saw a scope listed I've never heard of. I have to go outside this site and google the scope to get a look. Starting a thread showing a picture of your setup is not the same. A picture in your catalog of images would be better. Then, we would know exactly what took the great image. Is this a crazy idea? 

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messierman3000 4.37
Not at all, but It will be a personal choice. Some people don't like to talk about or show other people their equipment. But I think Astrobin is not about being famous or greedy, it should be a place to learn and share if you are willing.

So many times I've seen very nice images come from beginners and they get no more than 10 or 20 likes, and as soon as you see a SIMILAR photo taken by a POPULAR astrophotographer, BOOM!, 200 likes!, 300 likes!. Seriously, sometimes this is very apparent.
aabosarah 7.12
I like this idea. I'll start uploading images of my humble backyard rig (compared to all the ASAs/ CDKs out here).
AstroTrucker 6.22
I have posted a few but will be more inclusive with my rig(s) photos...

I agree. More equipment photo's. I enjoy good hardware. Woman have Diamond's,  Men have chrome! (Sorry that is for the Harley Davidson crowd!).

CS Tim
DarkStar 18.93
Not at all, but It will be a personal choice. Some people don't like to talk about or show other people their equipment. But I think Astrobin is not about being famous or greedy, it should be a place to learn and share if you are willing.

So many times I've seen very nice images come from beginners and they get no more than 10 or 20 likes, and as soon as you see a SIMILAR photo taken by a POPULAR astrophotographer, BOOM!, 200 likes!, 300 likes!. Seriously, sometimes this is very apparent.

Hi Messierman3000,

it is not only a topic of used equipment. Astrobin follows the same rules as any social network. You have to be visible!

Here are dozens of beautiful images uploaded hourly, but they are drowning in the flood. If you don’t communicate permanently, post, comment and have a critical amount of followers, you can be the world best AP, but you get completely ignored. That is the same on YouTube, Insta or Facebook…

Amplified is the problem by the fact, that AB throws all images in one pot instead having different categories. The high-end remote images are eye catchers and will generate likes by themselves. 

AB has its internal dynamics, some systematic drawbacks and the rules / constraints of any social platform. This forms a kind of Bermuda Triangle. 

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andreatax 7.90
·  1 like
If the OP is so inclined then there was a thread on just own rigs a while aback which went on for what seemed to me forever. Good place to start looking...
afd33 5.17
Pretty much any time I see a picture of someone’s imaging rig I give it a like. I enjoy seeing what people have and how they set it up. It can be useful to see things like solutions for cable management and things like that.
Mikeinfortmyers 7.83
Andrea, I don't want a thread with "Show me your Rig." You may be missing my point. When I see a good image, I want to see the rig that took it. Trying to match 1 rig out of 10,000 images thrown into one thread is impossible. I can look at "show your setup" on another popular forum that has gone on for years. I understand some don't want to advertise what they own out of fear of theft. But, if you're inclined, post a picture of your setup in your images so we can quickly see what took the great image Hey, it's just an idea. Not everyone will like it. 

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PhotonPhanatic 4.53
Pictures of used equipment are fine, and sometimes fun to look at. But much more useful to me is the information regarding the capture of the image that so often seems to be left blank when users upload new images. I want to see what telescope, camera, filters, and other accessories were used to capture an image. Having that information filled out can help me make a decision on how to try imaging that same target myself. Was it LRGB? SHO? What was the focal length used? All that information is interesting and useful. So often I go searching on Astrobin for examples of a target I’m thinking of shooting, but none of that information is included in most of the examples I find. If you don’t routinely fill out that information when you upload an image, do your fellow imagers a favor and start adding that information.
morefield 11.37
·  1 like
Not at all, but It will be a personal choice. Some people don't like to talk about or show other people their equipment. But I think Astrobin is not about being famous or greedy, it should be a place to learn and share if you are willing.

So many times I've seen very nice images come from beginners and they get no more than 10 or 20 likes, and as soon as you see a SIMILAR photo taken by a POPULAR astrophotographer, BOOM!, 200 likes!, 300 likes!. Seriously, sometimes this is very apparent.

That's all a question of the number of followers.  The followers are notified of new images and like come from that mostly.  If one guy has 1000 followers and the other has 10 it's just natural.  Followers grow with time if you have good images.

Alto 0.00
·  1 like
I've just dropped a photo of my rig onto the Forum.

No laughing in the background. Wiring still a wip, my excuse is it's waiting for a larger home to spread out in!
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janvalphotography 4.36
·  1 like
I've posted an image of one of my setups, but for me the issue lies with how the images are sorted/filtered. I prefer my images to be sorted by capture date, and certain kind of images aren't possible to post with a capture date. Due to this not all of my images are showing in my gallery when I look at it, I assume that this makes these images "invisible" for other people visiting my profile as well? 

I might need to look into organizing it differently as I'm fairly new to AB, but not being able to put in a capture date on certain images does bug me a bit.
afd33 5.17
I've posted an image of one of my setups, but for me the issue lies with how the images are sorted/filtered. I prefer my images to be sorted by capture date, and certain kind of images aren't possible to post with a capture date. Due to this not all of my images are showing in my gallery when I look at it, I assume that this makes these images "invisible" for other people visiting my profile as well? 

I might need to look into organizing it differently as I'm fairly new to AB, but not being able to put in a capture date on certain images does bug me a bit.

You're right. There's two images that don't show unless I change the sort, which I would never normally do on a profile. If it was me and I wanted my images sorted by aquisition date like you, I would just change the image type to something that lets you enter that in.
Maurice_Toet 0.00
Not a bad idea. On your request, I posted some images of my current setups in my catalog.
JohnHen 8.04
Here is mine ...
CS, John
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