Returning to Astrophotography Introduce yourself! · Steve Mandel · ... · 2 · 164 · 0

smandel 3.24
Hi everyone:

I am very excited to be back into imaging after a 15 year absence.  The quality of images, the great instruments and software, surpass my imagination of what would exist after a long absence.

You may know me from the past, I "discovered" and named the IFN and wrote an article about it for Sky&Telescope in the July, 2006 issue.  It was, and is, known by professional astronomers as high galactic latitude cirrus.  I found that cumbersome and not terribly accurate so I named it the Integrated Flux Nebula because it exhibits fluorescence  due to the integrated flux of all the stars in the Milky Way.  I was also one of the original founders of AIC. 

I'm setting up a solar observatory at my house in Santa Cruz, California and putting in a 17" Planewave at Sierra Remote Observatory.  Looking forward to learning much from this group of fine imagers!

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morefield 11.37
Welcome back Steve!  I’m sure you will quickly get the hang of the new hardware and software.  

I was just looking at some of my early uploaded images and remarking on how far the quality has come in recent years.  Thinking about why, I came up with these:

-The latest Sony CMOS sensors are far ahead of my old 16803 and 8300 CCDs in every way

- Guide star hunting is a thing of the past due to larger, more sensitive guide cameras

-Smaller pixels have allowed us to use shorter, faster OTAs

-The growth of the hobby has made things more competitive (both good and bad) and many more images are done with lots and lots of integration time. 

- AI tools like StarX have allow us to fully separate processing on stars and objects

- Likewise BlurX and NoiseX have made deconvolution and noise reduction so fast and easy you have much more time to iterate on stretching and such.

- And of course Pixinsight has come a long way!

I know you will love your CDK17 - I sure have loved mine.  Say hi to Sam and Evan and let me know if I can help in any way. 

andreatax 8.06
·  1 like
Welcome back Steve. As it happens I think I read that article but to me it will always be "galactic cirrus" in my mind. I'd admit that IFN has more of a ring to it...
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