Hello From Greenville, SC Introduce yourself! · Liam · ... · 10 · 312 · 0

enodog 0.00
Hello all,
    I am a 19-year-old student in South Carolina. I have recently gotten into astrophotography. However, I have been taking pictures for as long as I can remember. I look forward to seeing my progression as I learn more and look forward to exploring this site. I plan on bringing all of my equipment with me when I go back to school next semester. 
Clear Skies,

My first attempt: https://www.astrobin.com/zlm2h1/

Sony A7R4
Sony 18-200mm 
Sony G-master 24-70mm
Star Adventurer Pro Pack
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KnoxW 0.00
·  1 like
If you haven't already, you should look into the local Astronomy Club. The Roper Mountain Astronomy Club. Members could be a great resource for information and experience.  Clear skies to you!
Knox W
Astronomy Club of Asheville
Starman609 6.45
·  1 like
Hi Liam,

I reside in Pelzer, SC about 15 miles from Greenville. I have been in astro photography for about 6 years now. Welcome to our community and if there is anything I can help you with to get started, feel free to PM me. Always glad to help our new members.

Eddie Bagwell
krags711 2.41
It can be a little daunting to start up astrophotography. I just took it up this year and you won't get close to some results on here but if you look back some decades ago and look at the pictures that were taken even in some of the star atlas guides you can get similar results in a period of time. I was looking at Peterson's guide to astronomy and it had older photos in it that would be ok today if you were just starting out but can't get close to the better photos taken these days with mere amateur telescopes.
Robcafe51 7.53
·  1 like
I'm up in Flat Rock, NC, under an hour north of you. Welcome!
WhooptieDo 9.35
Welcome from Northeastern North Carolina.    Little bit of advice, don't always trust the cloud forecasts, they tend to dissipate after sunset around here, especially during the summer!
Leric56 0.00
Welcome, I am up in West Union, about an hour west of Greenville
Edski 2.81
·  1 like
Greetings from Anderson SC.  I do Astrophotography too and a member of the Roper Mtn Astronomy club and the Clemson Amateur Astronomy club.  Google ether and you are welcome to check out ether club
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Semper_Iuvenis 2.10
Welcome from Burke County, NC.  3 years into the hobby.
Leric56 0.00
Hi Monty, 

Started a year ago as a retirement hobby. Totally hooked, have like 6 telescopes and all of the accessories included. Looking forward to attending a star party at some point.
Leric56 0.00
·  1 like
Thanks Ed
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