AstroArt Store experience Anything goes · D. Jung · ... · 35 · 2352 · 0

Atila2008 0.00
I have had an experience with them of 4 out of 5, I ordered a Player One ARES-C from them that had a price of €850 when in Spain it did not go below €1,000, there was a delay of a couple of weeks but it arrived correctly.
In my opinion it is a small store with limited funds, in my opinion they are honest and willing but I suppose that sometimes they are overwhelmed financially due to certain circumstances. I would order again being aware that shipping will take longer than expected, but I sincerely believe it would arrive.
jed2i 0.00
Exactly, they are a good store.
So if you are not in a hurry and want to save a couple of euros, buy from them.
I know i will.
mxpwr 4.37
In summary, you order, you get lied at, when asking for the delivery date and you get your items after several weeks or month. Classic top rated store if you ask me 
Sieg 0.00
·  1 like
Exactly, they are a good store.
So if you are not in a hurry and want to save a couple of euros, buy from them.
I know i will.

I waited more than 12 weeks on my order, a camera from P.O., after that long time I asked my money back and that also took 3 weeks.
So saying "if you are not in a hurry" is a bit of an understatement

OABoqueirao 0.00
From my experience, I loved the prices they do! 
But, when I made an order from them, the item was not in stock and they have to order it from China. In holidays things took about a month to be sent. I've sent an email to they asking if things where ok and when they could send the items.. They gived me a week, and it took two from that email that I sent.
By the end of December, I received the tracking number in my order on the website. He's already in my country but I'm waiting for the guys who took the package to deliver it, since I live in the islands. 

They take their time, but they deliver it and they have great prices. Since I live in the middle of the north atlantic, I'm used to wait for things.
My advice is: gived them a little time.


Ardje 0.00
My 50 cents here.

Ordered a camera, SHO filters, filterwheel and focuser, so quite an amount of money involved. Sending the gear took a while and I got a bit worried. Mailed them a few times to get more information. Sometimes got a response per mail, sometimes not. Then they called me to inform me properly. This was really reassuring. They explained that due to Chinese new year things were delayed. After explaining, we had a really nice chat where they explained that astrophotography was their hobby as well and that they were very pleased to help out if I needed help in any way. 
Next day, my order shipped. 

SO indeed: it may take a while after you ordered. But I have the feeling your order is in good hands and that the guys from astro-art store are just as passionate about the hobby as we are, and they are trying their best. So give it some time and trust that it will end up fine. 


Astrobert92 0.90
I ordered an HAE 29 + stuff from there that was on backorder with 7-18 days. After 2 Months still no delivery so i cancelled the order. Now after 6 Weeks still didn't get my 2.500€ back. But some weired transfere of 55€ or so... The phonenumber +358442778923 is never beeing answered. Another one "supports" through whatsapp but still the dude didnt have a solution... I also ordered things that were not on backorder. No problem with these orders. Fast shipping and so on. But pray that you never have any hickup or need to make a return...
mxpwr 4.37
It's a mystery to me why people still order there
Astrobert92 0.90

to anyone here living in the EU please issue a case at the European Consumer Center of your country if there are still payments or other things amiss!

Together we are stronger!
HegAstro 12.28
·  1 like
With all the topics about problems with merchants, I thought I'd share this.

I don't know what it is like in EU, but in the US, you have the option of filing a chargeback with the credit card company for goods not delivered, or not as described. It is important not to abuse this, as the merchant gets charged a processing fee regardless of if the case is decided in your favor or not. None the less, if you have made a good faith effort to resolve the issue with the merchant and have documentation of the purchase and your interactions with the merchant, chargeback can be a very powerful tool to get your money back. I have found Amex to be much more consumer friendly than other cards in this regard, so I almost invariably use that card when I feel there is a risk with a purchase. Over the years, I have filed chargebacks against two merchants and in both cases, got my money back.
Edited ...
Astrobert92 0.90
ok that is an amazing approach. Unfortunately I paied via bank transfere but Ill just try anyways.
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