QHY5III 585C thermal issues QHYCCD QHY5III585C · Raúl Hussein · ... · 9 · 271 · 6

rahusga 8.73
Hello everyone!

I recently purchased a camera and when I tested it on my computer, I noticed that it was overheating, especially when the capture rate was high, reaching 90+ fps. I've asked several friends who have the same camera, and they've observed the same effect.

I've used the USB3.0-C cable that came with the camera, and I've also tried a USB2.0, so it seems that the capture rate is related to the temperature. I've used Firecapture and Sharpcap as well.

The drivers I've used are the Beta Ver. 20231011, which increase the well depth of this camera. I'm considering doing a downgrade.


When I place a regular thermometer on the camera, it reaches that temperature in a couple of minutes. Has anyone noticed a similar effect? Do you think it could negatively affect the sensor with heat noise?

I've temporarily had the ASI 585mc and Uranus-C, but I didn't observe this effect with either of them.

In short, I'm thinking of returning the camera...
andreatax 8.06
·  1 like
It's pretty normal for a QHY in the way they design their uncooled cameras. My 462C does the same but it does not affect its performance. I kept it going for more than 6 hours continuously and nothing untoward happened so I'm clear with it. Keep the camera, that's my advice.
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rahusga 8.73
andrea tasselli:
It's pretty normal for a QHY in the way they design their uncooled cameras. My 462C does the same but it does not affect its performance. I kept it going for more than 6 hours continuously and nothing untoward happened so I'm clear with it. Keep the camera, that's my advice.

Thanks for for your response Andrea. Yes, it seems to be something common in QHY cameras from what several colleagues comment. It never ceases to surprise me that it doesn't affect performance. I doubt because I live in a hot place in summer...
rahusga 8.73
andreatax 8.06
Raúl Hussein:
Thanks for for your response Andrea. Yes, it seems to be something common in QHY cameras from what several colleagues comment. It never ceases to surprise me that it doesn't affect performance. I doubt because I live in a hot place in summer...

It shouldn't see any issue other than thermal noise until the chip reaches 60 degC but can operate up to 85 degC.
rahusga 8.73
andrea tasselli:
Raúl Hussein:
Thanks for for your response Andrea. Yes, it seems to be something common in QHY cameras from what several colleagues comment. It never ceases to surprise me that it doesn't affect performance. I doubt because I live in a hot place in summer...

It shouldn't see any issue other than thermal noise until the chip reaches 60 degC but can operate up to 85 degC.

Wow, first knew about that. Thanks again


rahusga 8.73
I have tried to obtain some dark shots with the cold (room temperature) and hot camera (after 5 minutes taking captures at 100fps). 

The statistics show differences in darks of 30s, 10s and 1s (gain 80). There is a sample 21ºC and 37ºC
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andreatax 8.06
This is not a camera for exposures longer than a couple of seconds in anything other very cold environments. The only other option that I know of is getting a PlayerOne cooled camera with the same sensor.
rahusga 8.73
A friend just let me try a Uranus-C (non cooled). After 5 minutes capturing at 200+ fps I made 30s darks (gain 252) and it is confirmed that (1) it does not heat up and (2) it produces great statistics, without heat noise

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rahusga 8.73
andrea tasselli:
This is not a camera for exposures longer than a couple of seconds in anything other very cold environments. The only other option that I know of is getting a PlayerOne cooled camera with the same sensor.

It had the same effect on me in darks of 1s. Statistically, the dark after the camera took the temperature is worse.
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