Religion, politics, and other sensitive topics, in the context of free speech on AstroBin AstroBin Beta Testers · Salvatore Iovene · ... · 30 · 817 · 0

This topic contains a poll.
Should this post, and other similar posts in the future, be approved?
Nicla.Camerin_Maurizio.Camerin 6.63
·  1 like
Salvatore Iovene:
Thank you all for validating my own feelings. The post has been deleted and the user informed about the decision and the reasons behind it.

Hi Salvatore, you did the right thing in my opinion, as other state is better let Astrobin out of such problematic topics and keep it  in science, technology, gear, aesthetic of the Astrophotography images the community share here.
steve14 2.11
Personally, i don't think there is any place for discussion about religion or politics on Astrobin. The platform is based on the science of Astronomy, and anything which dilutes this, opens the platform up to all sorts of nonsensical discussions (e.g flat earth, moon landing skepticism, UFOs) which at best are psuedo-scientific in nature and at worse, just plain nuts. Free speech is such an divisive term and while it should be rigourously upheld, it must be based on fact, not belief. As Carl Sagan once said, science is like a candle in the darkness. We must keep that flame alive, otherwise we sink back into superstition and ignorance.
Edited ...
crawfprof 0.00
I don't know what the concern is with "free speech." That only concerns government control of "speech" not control of messages/discussion on a private social media platform. You are allowed to moderate a social media site. Besides, Astrobin's purpose is clearly stated to be image hosting. Don't expand its purview and don't allow others to promote their hosting sites here. Let's keep it secular and apolitical. In particular, I can't support the preachy religious who are luring people with astrophotography. That's clearly their intent. If religious virtue signalling is allowed on Astrobin I'll simply leave. I see so much religious virtue signalling on Facebook I don't need to see it, or any other kind of virtue signalling, on yet an another platform, especially one that I PAY for.
Alien_Enthusiast 2.86
I fully agree with Steve and Gary.

Any kind of religious propaganda should be strictly moderated, and those who spread it should be immediately banned. We won't let our favorite astrophotography platform be taken over by religious fanatics and sectarians. 

Share this hashtag if you agree;
Magellen 9.85
To my understanding, AB is a platform for astrophotography or - if you will so - for astronomy. I am absolutely happy with this and do not want to see it changed. Here is the place to discuss AP topics with people from all over the globe regardless of their cultural background. There are other places to discuss other things, please let us keep it that way.
Jean-Baptiste_Paris 12.54
·  1 like
Hello Salvatore,

I made a mistake when I answered the pool, I understood the question as "to be approved" in the sense of "to be moderated", and I realised my mistake afterwards, but I can't change my answer now... so you'll have to add a "no" instead of a "yes" ! ;)

Sorry for the confusion!

I think that accepting this kind of post is an open door to everything, and personally I appreciate not finding this kind of proselytising on AB; there's enough of it on social networks already...

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