GraXpert 2.0 and PixInsight Script Steffen Hirtle GraXpert · Frank Sackenheim · ... · 154 · 11565 · 15

Magellen 9.85
·  1 like
Steven James:
Hello - since the latest update I receive the following error message in PixInsight when trying to run GraXpert:


run --execute-mode=auto "C:/Program Files/PixInsight/src/scripts/Toolbox/Graxpert.js"

Processing script file: C:/Program Files/PixInsight/src/scripts/Toolbox/Graxpert.js
*** Error: Signature verification failed for 'GraXpert': Invalid code signature: C:/Program Files/PixInsight/src/scripts/Toolbox/Graxpert.js


GraXpert 2.2.2 is installed.  Am running Windows 11.

Package information for Toolbox shows as:
Package type : Script
Title : PixInsight Utility scripts
Repository :
File name :
Release date : 2024-01-21 00:00:00
Install date : 2024-01-22 04:08:02

Any help would be greatly appreciated.  Thanks.

Already answered in this thread
Mau_Bard 3.54
Steven James:
Hello - since the latest update I receive the following error message in PixInsight when trying to run GraXpert:


run --execute-mode=auto "C:/Program Files/PixInsight/src/scripts/Toolbox/Graxpert.js"

Processing script file: C:/Program Files/PixInsight/src/scripts/Toolbox/Graxpert.js
*** Error: Signature verification failed for 'GraXpert': Invalid code signature: C:/Program Files/PixInsight/src/scripts/Toolbox/Graxpert.js


GraXpert 2.2.2 is installed.  Am running Windows 11.

Package information for Toolbox shows as:
Package type : Script
Title : PixInsight Utility scripts
Repository :
File name :
Release date : 2024-01-21 00:00:00
Install date : 2024-01-22 04:08:02

Any help would be greatly appreciated.  Thanks.

Hi Steve, the fix has been released yesterday as discussed in the previous posts here. It is enough to check repository update in PI and execute the update.
AstroDaffy 0.00
Thanks.  I have actually done that and PI says everything is up-to-date but I get the error.  Is the Toolbox version shown in my screenshot not actually the latest?
Bodrero 0.00
I love GraXpert, for a newbie it is a game changer!  

I was able to solve my installer problem but I have another issue.

Once I run the program, if I close it and try and run again, it never loads until I reboot my windows 11 system.  I just leave it open all the time now.

Not a big deal, just a little inconvenient
afjk 3.58
·  1 like
What did change from 2.0.2 to 2.2.0 is 1) the way we package GraXpert:

Great tool, Frank and Schmelly,

I was reallly amazing how much fast the latest version 2.2.0 is compared to the first I had installed!
Also you god rid of the splash screen dominating my PC - thanks :-)

Overall it soo much better than ABE and DBE that I am nothing but grateful that you built it !

Really the only thing missing is a feature that lets me know using it from PI there is a new version out - the latest release I only noticed as the old verseion refused to work in PI ... :-)

Mau_Bard 3.54
Steven James:
Thanks.  I have actually done that and PI says everything is up-to-date but I get the error.  Is the Toolbox version shown in my screenshot not actually the latest?

Hi Steven, just to be sure: have you entered resources> updates>check for updates etc. and downloaded any updates? And, after that, quit and re-opened pixinsight, in order to install the updates previously downloaded from repository? The updated version in the repository is correctly signed.
frasax 18.96
·  1 like

there was a bit of a problem yesterday, when the new PixInsight Version came out.
If you encounter any problems, please try again, as the problem was fixed on the script side.

So Ressources-Updates-Check for new updates and so on

Sometimes GraXpert vanishes from the list or you get an 404 Error. In that case:
Ressources-Updates-Reset Updates and then start from scratch with check for new updates.

Hope that helps.
Mau_Bard 3.54
Frank Sackenheim:

there was a bit of a problem yesterday, when the new PixInsight Version came out.
If you encounter any problems, please try again, as the problem was fixed on the script side.

So Ressources-Updates-Check for new updates and so on

Sometimes GraXpert vanishes from the list or you get an 404 Error. In that case:
Ressources-Updates-Reset Updates and then start from scratch with check for new updates.

Hope that helps.

Frank, thank you for the swift upgrade yesterday! Mau
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dweinbrenner 2.11
I reset all updates in PI and redownloaded them again but still get the codesinging error.

Edit: I installed the most recent PI version again and now it works.
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wittinobi 0.90
Ressources-Updates-Reset Updates and then start from scratch with check for new updates.

...didn't work on my win10pro.
the only way i get it work again, is to delete (rename) "Graxpert.xsgn" in the "src\scripts\Toolbox" folder of pixinsight.
"A workaround I found in the PI forum: Rename or delete Graxpert.xsgn in the src\scripts\Toolbox folder to disable signature checking."
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mstrieber 0.90
Dominik Weinbrenner:
I reset all updates in PI and redownloaded them again but still get the codesinging error.

"...didn't work on my win10pro.
the only way i get it work again, is to delete (rename) "Graxpert.xsgn" in the "src\scripts\Toolbox" folder of pisinsight.your reply here ***"

From the post below.  I had the same experience as you.  Windows 11 for me.  I tried all these recommendations in the thread and it still didn't work.  I delete the above file and worked after that.   I'm sure that's not the preferred technique but it worked for me and doing all the other stiff did not.
AstroDaffy 0.00
Deleting Graxpert.xsgn also worked for me.  Thanks very much for the tip.  I was suffering from Graxpert Withdrawal for the past day - a terrible thing!
drew_littlejohn 0.00
Mike Strieber:
the only way i get it work again, is to delete (rename) "Graxpert.xsgn" in the "src\scripts\Toolbox" folder of pisinsight.your reply here ***"

Deleting Graxpert.xsgn worked for me when all else failed.  Thank you.
Joël-VALLIER 0.00
Hi all,

For your information my script, an alternative of GraXpert in Toolbox, is now officially released under new name "GraXpert Suite for PixInsight".
Script is signed with Certified PixInsight Developer Id and can be installed through URL as any standard script.

More information available here:

jtwxlii 0.00
Not getting the GraXpert splash screen when running the script in PI.  It seems to work ok. Is there some problem with the installation that I don't see the splash screen?
Joël-VALLIER 0.00
·  1 like
With last version of GraXpert, there is no more splash screen.
So, it's normal :-)
stmackenzie 0.00
Thanks to you and the Team, this is a great help to me!
Astroboy17 0.00
I installed new msi version 2.2.2 directed pixinsight to exe and now it runs in UI mode. In the past it would run AI mode. Pixinsight updated but no luck. Just opens outside UI now. The older versions work 2.x Not sure if this right but when I go to toolbox and start graxpert it says v1.0b ???

am I pointing to wrong exe file or missing some time of repository that’s needed now?
Joël-VALLIER 0.00
I cannot provide support on GraXpert in Toolbox.
I wrote an alternative script for GraXpert in PixInsight.
Web page with instruction, documentation and link to script available here:
This script requires PixInsight version 1.8.9-2 build 1597 or higher.
Let me know if you need help.
PaulWBaker 1.81
AMAZING!! Congratulations on such a simple appearing process - I am sure that behind the scenes it is not simple. It use it with Pixinsight.

I do, among other things, very wide field Milky Way mosaics and have always struggled with different intensities of the sky background and subtle pockets of colour after using DBE. I use you GraXpert yesterday, ONCE, on a 6 panel mosaic from Vela to the pointers, and voila! WOW! This will make my large sky mosaics so much easier. Many thanks to you and you team.

blablazzz 0.00
Any plans for similar integration with Siril?
schmelly 0.00
Any plans for similar integration with Siril?

Hi Audrius,

generally yes, however, without any ETA: we are in loose discussion with the Siril team wrt technical integration questions. However, Siril devs are very much focusing on the next major Siril release which personally I am also quite excited about.

Best regards and CS
Stargazer31 0.00
Frank Sackenheim:
Frank Sackenheim:
To bad it wont start  on macos catalina 10.15.7 . its a I7 with 32 gig ram.
 install was ok etc ,also the security settings  where done.

Hi John,

can you give me a few more infos. Does Graxpert not start, do you get any message? Or does the PI Script not work?
CS Frank

I installed the GraXpert-macos-x86_64.dmg

Just  the way you show on youtube, and its  installed correct . i did even reboot after,but when i click the icon,it pops for 1 second and then  it stops.

Did the install twice,still the same.

Hi, I am afraid to tell you, that GraXpert works only from macOS 11.0

ok thats  makes sense.  i will test it on windows.  but look a great tool to me. thank you.

Have had exactly the same issue, but as my Mac will not update beyond Catalina 10.15.7,  I am completely stuck. Is there any way this could be resolved?
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drmikevt 0.00
Thank you for this amazingly useful software.

A request:  As far as I can tell, there is no way to know if I have the latest version unless I download and install the application.   It is not listed on the website (that I could find) and the download is not labeled with the version so I have to actually install it to see if it is a newer version than what I have.  There is also no 'check for update' option in the software.  So, my only option seems to be to re-download the program every now and then if I want to stay current.  A lot of similar Astro software will have a page on the website that lists the current version and version changes over time.  If it makes sense you, maybe you can add info about the current version number to the website.

Thanks again
schmelly 0.00
Robert Hope:

ok thats  makes sense.  i will test it on windows.  but look a great tool to me. thank you.

Have had exactly the same issue, but as my Mac will not update beyond Catalina 10.15.7,  I am completely stuck. Is there any way this could be resolved?

Hi Robert,

probably not with the binaries we provide. However, you always can start GraXpert from source - do you have some prior experience with Python development?

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