PHASP - ChatGPT for Astrophotography Anything goes · Johannes Möslein · ... · 12 · 587 · 1

Joo_Astro 1.91
Hi everyone,

I just created my own Chatbot for assisting in Astrophotography: PHASP, the Photography Assistant for Space

PHASP can assist in almost every aspect, ranging from questions about equipment, over knowing and calculating different specific formulas to giving tips in confusing situations. It can even tell objects names in uploaded images pretty accurately.
It was given knowledge on different topics, covering Mathematics, Processing, Equipment and look of images. I will try updating it quite frequently, to improve it and its ability to help.

Now I hope some of you can help me out by using it a bit and provide some feedback on where it needs to improved and where it is completely wrong.
Feel free to answer in this thread, or message me at [email protected].

But enough talk from my side, now it’s PHASP’s turn to introduce itself. Have fun using it! I hope, it can help solving problems and questions. 

“Hello! I'm PHASP, your specialized assistant for astrophotography. Whether you're an experienced astrophotographer or just starting out, I'm here to help with advice on capturing the cosmos, processing your images, or understanding the equipment and techniques that can elevate your astrophotography. From capturing the faintest nebulae to processing images for stunning detail, or navigating the complexities of astrophotography gear, I've got you covered. If there's anything specific you'd like to know or discuss about astrophotography, feel free to ask. Clear skies!”

You can find PHASP here:
Unfortunately, an OpenAI Plus membership or higher is needed in order to access custom GPTs.

Thank you for your help!

Edited ...
karolbe 2.41
·  1 like
Johannes Möslein:
Unfortunately, an OpenAI Plus membership or higher is needed in order to access custom GPTs.

So perhaps you could share the model so we can run it locally using llama etc for free?

So perhaps you could share the model so we can run it locally using llama etc for free?

It's a ChatGPT 4 custom GPT, if I understand correctly, so the model is basically ChatGPT 4 with custom prompts baked in.
Joo_Astro 1.91
Salvatore Iovene:
So perhaps you could share the model so we can run it locally using llama etc for free?

It's a ChatGPT 4 custom GPT, if I understand correctly, so the model is basically ChatGPT 4 with custom prompts baked in.

Yes, you are right. A custom GPT is not a standalone model, but simply ChatGPT that you can feed data and instructions how to behave and what to know. I'm very sorry that it is not accessible for free...
Anderl 3.81
·  1 like
I like it ;) 
i tend to always have questions regarding ap and astronomy in general and testing it with a few easy questions it looks like it is producing usable and informative answers

Joo_Astro 1.91
I like it ;) 
i tend to always have questions regarding ap and astronomy in general and testing it with a few easy questions it looks like it is producing usable and informative answers


Thank you! If you have any ideas for future improvements, just let me know.

Alien_Enthusiast 2.86
·  1 like
Sounds promising! Ill give it a try for sure.
RemcoNL 0.90
Thanks, It's actually a pretty useful variant of the regular ChatGPT. I'm not sure how much extra data you gave it, but it seems to understand some niche topics.
Bennich 2.11
·  1 like
Nice 😃
Trying it now
Joo_Astro 1.91
Remco Hekker:
Thanks, It's actually a pretty useful variant of the regular ChatGPT. I'm not sure how much extra data you gave it, but it seems to understand some niche topics.


thank you for testing. Version 1.0 has about 9 pages of text. While creating, I realized that it already has a pretty solid knowledge on the topic, but the depth is missing in some areas and often it is straight up completely wrong (and unfortunately very confident about the misinformation). So most of the instructions now after the basic setup are getting developed by me talking to the GPT, finding out where it is wrong or misses information and feeding it that, which unfortunately takes a lot more time than writing the basic script. 

Alien_Enthusiast 2.86
Ive been using PHASP for 2 months now, it is an amazing tool for sure!

I have only one concern; recently it has been very very slow

To a point where you have to wait multiple minutes for a reply.

Idk if its because I used the same chat for all this time

Have you considered switching PHASP to GPT 4o? That should speed it up drastically.

Thanks a lot for your work!
Joo_Astro 1.91
·  1 like
Ive been using PHASP for 2 months now, it is an amazing tool for sure!

I have only one concern; recently it has been very very slow

To a point where you have to wait multiple minutes for a reply.

Idk if its because I used the same chat for all this time

Have you considered switching PHASP to GPT 4o? That should speed it up drastically.

Thanks a lot for your work!

Hi, thanks for using it, I'm happy to hear that!

Unfortunately I'm quite stressed with work, so I don't have a lot of time to invest in this hobby atm...
I just tried it, and I don't have problems with it being slow, maybe try using a new chat, like you suggested?
Also, I don't see an option to upgrade the GPT manually, I will dig into that.

Alien_Enthusiast 2.86
Johannes Möslein:
Ive been using PHASP for 2 months now, it is an amazing tool for sure!

I have only one concern; recently it has been very very slow

To a point where you have to wait multiple minutes for a reply.

Idk if its because I used the same chat for all this time

Have you considered switching PHASP to GPT 4o? That should speed it up drastically.

Thanks a lot for your work!

Hi, thanks for using it, I'm happy to hear that!

Unfortunately I'm quite stressed with work, so I don't have a lot of time to invest in this hobby atm...
I just tried it, and I don't have problems with it being slow, maybe try using a new chat, like you suggested?
Also, I don't see an option to upgrade the GPT manually, I will dig into that.


Yes, it did work!

It's probably cause I texted this bot every day for like 2 months straight 

Once I refreshed it - it's super fast 

Thank you very much once again for your work!
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