GraXpert 2.0 and PixInsight Script Steffen Hirtle GraXpert · Frank Sackenheim · ... · 154 · 11572 · 15

schmelly 0.00
Thank you for this amazingly useful software.

A request:  As far as I can tell, there is no way to know if I have the latest version unless I download and install the application.   It is not listed on the website (that I could find) and the download is not labeled with the version so I have to actually install it to see if it is a newer version than what I have.  There is also no 'check for update' option in the software.  So, my only option seems to be to re-download the program every now and then if I want to stay current.  A lot of similar Astro software will have a page on the website that lists the current version and version changes over time.  If it makes sense you, maybe you can add info about the current version number to the website.

Thanks again

Hi Mike,

fyi: since GraXpert 1.0.5 you should receive a notification in GraXpert after startup when a new stable release is available (assuming a working internet connection). Moreover, you can check our release history here:

I do understand that it would be nice to have more precise information on our website and in fact we are working on a refactoring at the moment. Until then please understand that our spare time is limited to fulfill all feature requests.

Best regards and CS
Stargazer31 0.00
Hi Robert,

probably not with the binaries we provide. However, you always can start GraXpert from source - do you have some prior experience with Python development?


Hi David.
No unfortunately but willing to learn. Can you point me to a You tube video, or other resource and explain what I need to do.


schmelly 0.00
·  1 like
Robert Hope:

Hi David.
No unfortunately but willing to learn. Can you point me to a You tube video, or other resource and explain what I need to do.



Hi Rob,

generally it boils down to the following steps (all commands need to be executed in a terminal window):
  • install homebrew which is a package manager for macOS (
  • install git if not installed already: 'brew install git'
    • you can check if it's installed with: 'git --version'

  • install python: 'brew install [email protected]'
  • install python-tk: 'brew install [email protected]'

then, get the sourcecode of GraXpert and put it into a folder of your choice. Example based on your home folder:
  • in a terminal, go to your home folder: 'cd ~'
  • get the source code: 'git clone'
  • change into the newly created directory: 'cd GraXpert'
  • create a Python virtual environment: 'python3 -m venv graxpert-env'
  • activate the environment. this needs to be done each time you open a new terminal: 'source ./graxpert-env/bin/activate'
    • there are ways to automate this step, however, let's get it working in the first place

  • install required python dependencies - for this step to work your virtual environment needs to be active:
    • 'pip install wheel'
    • 'pip install -r ./requirements.txt'
    • 'pip install onnxruntime-coreml'

  • run Graxpert: 'python -m graxpert.main'

For reference:

Best regards and CS
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Stargazer31 0.00
Thanks David. Will take a look. and try when I have a bit of time to digest that info.
tom62e 1.51
Mike Strieber:
the only way i get it work again, is to delete (rename) "Graxpert.xsgn" in the "src\scripts\Toolbox" folder of pisinsight.your reply here ***"

Deleting Graxpert.xsgn worked for me when all else failed.  Thank you.

How do you delete or rename something in the Toolbox?
tom62e 1.51
Tommy Mastro:
Mike Strieber:
the only way i get it work again, is to delete (rename) "Graxpert.xsgn" in the "src\scripts\Toolbox" folder of pisinsight.your reply here ***"

Deleting Graxpert.xsgn worked for me when all else failed.  Thank you.

How do you delete or rename something in the Toolbox?

Disregard, figured it out
StockCarMafia 0.00
Hi all,

I have tried several versions of Graxpert (2.2.0 - 3.0) and am not getting the option to automatically download the AI model.  It is asking me to use the advanced panel on the right to select it, however it only shows "None".  Is there another method to getting the AI model downloaded or a manual method?  

Thanks in advance,

AstroBin@RSF 0.00
·  1 like
After a recent upgrade to PixInsight on a MAC silicon chip (PixInsight 1.8.9-2), I now get a message.  (I have tried following some of the suggestions about deleting files but still don't get the script for GraXpert to work in PixInsight.Processing script file: /Applications/PixInsight/src/scripts/Toolbox/Graxpert.js*** Error: Signature verification failed for 'GraXpert': Invalid code signature: /Applications/PixInsight/src/scripts/Toolbox/Graxpert.js
Joël-VALLIER 0.00
You maybe have to disable signature check in PixInsight or move to process which works with PixInsight 1.8.9-2 build 1597 or higher.
Process available here:
Joo_Astro 1.91
·  1 like

after upgrading to the latest version (with Denoise), I was able to run BE and Denoise via PixInsight Process a few times, but now GraXpert just fails every time:

Status: Exit error code 1

(or error code 2, also saw that one)
Now I can't get it to run again. 



Somehow the ai model file was missing, so I reinstalled GraXpert, downloaded the AI via the App, now it's working again.
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OABoqueirao 0.00
Frank Sackenheim:

I am Frank, founder of the GraXpert Team. Our Team has now officially released the Version 2.0 with AI functionality. Also GraXpert AI is now available as a script in PixInsight, so you can use it directly out of PI.
I have created a video to show you the installation on Mac and PC, as well as the installation of the script.

Have Fun

Frank and the GraXpert Team

Hello Frank,

Just a question in order to clean any doubts. 

To make sure that I'm proper linked in the new installation of GraXpert using the PixInsight script/tool, the Denoiser version we link it to the GraXpert in the AppData/Local folder like we do the Gradient version, or is another path?

Great tool btw,


schmelly 0.00
Hi all,

I have tried several versions of Graxpert (2.2.0 - 3.0) and am not getting the option to automatically download the AI model.  It is asking me to use the advanced panel on the right to select it, however it only shows "None".  Is there another method to getting the AI model downloaded or a manual method?  

Thanks in advance,


Hi Wade,

please have a look at the following Github issue:

Best regards
schmelly 0.00
Observatório Astrográfico do Boqueirão:
Frank Sackenheim:

I am Frank, founder of the GraXpert Team. Our Team has now officially released the Version 2.0 with AI functionality. Also GraXpert AI is now available as a script in PixInsight, so you can use it directly out of PI.
I have created a video to show you the installation on Mac and PC, as well as the installation of the script.

Have Fun

Frank and the GraXpert Team

Hello Frank,

Just a question in order to clean any doubts. 

To make sure that I'm proper linked in the new installation of GraXpert using the PixInsight script/tool, the Denoiser version we link it to the GraXpert in the AppData/Local folder like we do the Gradient version, or is another path?

Great tool btw,



Hi Cesar,

the GraXpert executable is the same, i.e., pointing it to the same path should do the trick - assuming you are pointing it to GraXpert 3.0 and not an older GraXpert 2.x installation. If you have not changed the installation location during setup the location should be the same as before.

Best regards
bdm201170 2.11
with version 2.0 working perfect , just after updated couple days ago  the new version 3.0
Screenshot 2024-04-27 211509.png
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schmelly 0.00
Brian Diaz:
with version 2.0 working perfect , just after updated couple days ago  the new version 3.0

Hi Brian,

please see this issue at Github:

CS, David
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ScottBadger 7.61
Yeah, not very intuitive….after downloading the v3 stand alone software and adding the script to PI, you then need to run the stand alone first using the AI mode. When you do, you’ll get a message asking if you want to download the AI model. Do this for both background extraction and de-noise. Once you’ve dowloaded the models, the PI script should be all set.

bdm201170 2.11
Brian Diaz:
with version 2.0 working perfect , just after updated couple days ago  the new version 3.0

Hi Brian,

please see this issue at Github:

CS, David

thank you so much

Leela.Astro.Imaging 1.51
Hi, v happy user of GraXpert here.  Except that...yes Pixinsight updated and now I can't access it.

This is the error message that is now coming up when I try the deepskyforge repository path:Unable to download repository information. Parsing repository update information: Parsing Signature element (line=1 offset=0): Unknown code signing identity 'JoelVallier'

What should I do?  (I'm running Pixinsight 1.8.9-2 build 1593 which I think is the latest version?)

Thank you!
Leela.Astro.Imaging 1.51
Hi, v happy user of GraXpert here.  Except that...yes Pixinsight updated and now I can't access it.

This is the error message that is now coming up when I try the deepskyforge repository path:Unable to download repository information. Parsing repository update information: Parsing Signature element (line=1 offset=0): Unknown code signing identity 'JoelVallier'

What should I do?  (I'm running Pixinsight 1.8.9-2 build 1593 which I think is the latest version?)

Thank you!

Just to add, when I try to use the older repository, and run GraXpert this comes up:Processing script file: /Applications/PixInsight/src/scripts/Toolbox/Graxpert.js*** Error: Signature verification failed for 'GraXpert': Invalid code signature: /Applications/PixInsight/src/scripts/Toolbox/Graxpert.js

When I go and change the .xsgn file name then it gets a bit further, but then an error box pops up with this:

Your GraXpert version is not compatible with this script version! Please update your GraXpert version to use the new features!

which is why I tried the deepskyforge link as that is also cited in one of Frank's Youtube videos and that's what returns that message about JoelVallier

Thank you!
Joël-VALLIER 0.00
·  1 like
I'm the developper of GraXpert Process.
As mentionned on my website, you need PixInsight version 1.8.9-2 build 1597 or higher.
Current build is 1605. Software is available here:
You have to download software and install i, it not done automatically.
If you are facing other problem, please check tickets closed here:
Or open a new ticket.
Leela.Astro.Imaging 1.51
I'm the developper of GraXpert Process.
As mentionned on my website, you need PixInsight version 1.8.9-2 build 1597 or higher.
Current build is 1605. Software is available here:
You have to download software and install i, it not done automatically.
If you are facing other problem, please check tickets closed here:
Or open a new ticket.

Thanks Joel.  That's weird because when I tell it to check Pixinsight update repository, it says there are no new updates (I'm using an M1 Mac). Will try and force the update and report back.  Cheers.
Leela.Astro.Imaging 1.51
@Joël VALLIER thanks for that - a few steps forward but still not quite there yet.

I've updated the latest Pixinsight (1605).  And it updated all the repositories (including yours).  When I use the Graxpert in the Toolbox it said that was a newer version.  So then I realised I should be using the one in Process as per your script.

When I do that, the box pops up.  When I click on the square to run it, it starts to run in the process console, completes, but then nothing happens.  I've set it to Subtract (but 0 smoothing) and replace target image.  Background Extraction is selected, Denoising is off currently.

What am I doing wrong?

Thank you!

(Edit: in the old version it used to be that just running Graxpert would remove the background automatically which I assume it should still be doing?)
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Joël-VALLIER 0.00
Did you try to create a new image and compare both images with PixMath?
Else, send me your photo, I'll check.
Leela.Astro.Imaging 1.51
Did you try to create a new image and compare both images with PixMath?
Else, send me your photo, I'll check.

Yes PixMath comparing before and after returns a blank image so I don't think its doing anything.

I went to the process console and this is the text that was there:

GraXpert: Processing view: M13_Ha_Oiii_Hb_Sii_3h16_Ha_Oiii_Hb_Sii_session_1_session_2Writing swap files...205.084 MiB/sWriting image: w=9503 h=5512 n=3 RGB Float32Mode background extractionStatus: Exit error code 2

GraXpert logs:/Applications/ /var/folders/9d/slwz2p357j9cxlzwtyf03_w00000gr/T/PixInsight.xisf -cli -smoothing 0.000 -correction Subtraction2024-05-06 18:57:22,462 MainProcess root ERROR usage: GraXpert [-h] [-ai_version [AI_VERSION]]2024-05-06 18:57:22,464 MainProcess root ERROR [-correction [{Subtraction,Division}]]2024-05-06 18:57:22,465 MainProcess root ERROR [-smoothing [SMOOTHING]]2024-05-06 18:57:22,465 MainProcess root ERROR filename2024-05-06 18:57:22,465 MainProcess root ERROR GraXpert: error: unrecognized arguments: -cli6.919 s

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Leela.Astro.Imaging 1.51
·  1 like
Did you try to create a new image and compare both images with PixMath?
Else, send me your photo, I'll check.

Scratch that.  It's now working.  I had to download the newest Graxpert app on my Mac, and then as part of running that, it downloaded the latest AI models.  And now when I run it in Pixinsight it works!

Hurray - thanks for the script and your help Joel!
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