New ESO Study Evaluates Impact of Satellite Constellations on Astronomical Observations Anything goes · Sigga · ... · 5 · 260 · 0

Snjór 11.96
ESO Study

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Snjór 11.96
Salvatore Iovene:

Ummm is context yes but histrionic to me, example

 "Every national park's nightime sky will resemble a dense forest of tracer fire as if in a war zone. Operation Shock and Awful is underway."

"A 1,000,000 trillion class action law suit should be initiated. Damages are far greater than the good."
 and much similar. "

ESO seem take a reasonable approach.

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Yes, definitely some overly dramatic messages in that thread, but let's not get distracted by it. Just learned the word "histrionic", I love it!
Snjór 11.96
Salvatore Iovene:
Yes, definitely some overly dramatic messages in that thread, but let's not get distracted by it. Just learned the word "histrionic", I love it!

I look that one up Salvatore :-) as not know word for such dramatic English, new for me in addition!
Many of the satellites in orbit contribute to safety and security, such as meteorological, but the problem remains, wherever men go, the result is garbage. There are about as many satellites and debris in Earth's orbit as there are naked eye stars visible at rare dark sites. Perhaps "SpaceX, Amazon, OneWeb and others", are being so kind as to create artificial constellations for our children and grandchildren who won't be able to watch true stars sometime soon while planetariums will lack capacities. They are forgetting, moreover not caring, that the day is supposed to be bright and the night dark. Well, as a politician I'd say, "the oceans are full of garbage, why not space" --  just to secure my retirement allowance and 5-digit pension ."Après moi, le déluge"
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