Development in Astrophotography Abell Planetary Nebula · Christian Vulpescu · ... · 6 · 148 · 0

VulpescuChristian 1.81
·  1 like
The necessity for a Barnard forum erases from the fact that
firstly: we have to emprove our abilities constantly as humans and
secondly: because the technical improvement is developing exponentially.
Connected with this, the access to very sensitive cameras and high presision gear is given to - relatively spoken - the masses!
This - as such - is something wonderful and exactly that, what all veterans want to  achieve ( to raise the popularity of astronomy).
But we have to step forword.
Twentee years ago nobody spoke about the artistc element of combining narrow band channels in an other manner, then the Hubble style. It was given and otherwise not scientific.
These days even girs can paint the heart nebula in a pinkish red.
This is tramendes but some of us feel that we have to move the barriors.
That's why I am happy to be in the Bernard forum.

CS to all of you sisters and brothers out there

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jerryyyyy 9.03
Hi, the artistic side has interested me a lot since I have a niece in cinema... she introduced me to the 3D_LUT concept of altering colors via a Look Up Table... (LUT).  Like most powerful tools has potential for abuse, but also art.
VulpescuChristian 1.81
·  1 like
Amen, bro! Alteration is powerfull!
Only those, who alterate have the chance to change things.
(99% falior, 1% revolutionary discoveries).

Kindly regards and biggest honor to me,

VulpescuChristian 1.81
·  1 like
Pardon the last sentence should not be: "biggest honor to me", but to you!
Sorry for that.
VulpescuChristian 1.81
·  1 like
Jerry, once again I have to apologize. I' m relatively new in this hobby and do not know all the big names in the scene. Since I am a MD, too and have done reserch in the US at the University of Texas Medical Branch as postdoc, I would never have called you "Bro" as a professor in Stanford.
Excuse me please for my misstep.

Big shame on me and all the best to you, Sir. 😅
jerryyyyy 9.03
·  1 like

Picking up on the conversation... been busy.  Yes, this whole field has moved very fast...  I started when my mother-in-law broke her hip now 1`0 years ago.... my wife had to go back to France for 6 months.  A friend gave me a telescope he never got to work and the rest is history... when I look back on my first images I am shocked.  But, I was very happy to be able to see anything.  Now with good equipment and excellent software we can do some amazing things.

In any case, I am interested in the colors since a lot has been written about presenting scientific data via color enhancements.... also makes great pictures...

I have done programming since I was 16 (55 years ago) and I enjoy PI and PS and the rest of the computer toys... I have an observatory on my roof... so I enjoy all this technology... fits my day job too...

Anyway, best wishes,

VulpescuChristian 1.81
Wow, this is really a very interessting storry and it is a gain for the astro comunity that you are part of it since 16 years because of those instances in the past.
I like your idea, to photograph most of the Sh2 catalog. As you said, these are very interesting  looking nebulas.
I like them, too.

As I was a teenager, my father bougt a small Schmidt Cassegrain telescope. I used it visually with a much too instable mount for DSLRs.
Everything was shaking so terrible, so I gave up. But I promised myself when I would have more money, I would buy a good gear.
Now, as a 46 years old, the time has come.

My neighbor introduced me in the basics one year ago and now it feels like an addiction.
As more as we don't have the best sky conditions in Bavaria in the south of Germany.

Since I work all day and have 3 smal children, at least in the nights I'm free to follow my passion in my backyard ( I mean astrophotography- nothing else  :-) ).

Best regards,

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