ASIair Plus File Naming Taxonomy/Structure ZWO ASIAIR · bluespeck · ... · 2 · 154 · 0

bluespeck 1.51
Just me again with another ASIair file format question...

The ASIair Plus uses a very useful file naming taxonomy/structure when saving files internally but seems to use much simpler structure when saving files to the DSLR’s memory card. For example:
  • ASIair saves files to internal memory as: Light_M42_240.0s_Bin1_ISO1600_20230212-195555_0001.FIT
  • ASIair saves the same file to DSLR memory card as: _7502844.NEF

Does anyone know if the is there anyway to customize the file naming taxonomy/structure to add the same level of detail to the RAW (NEF) file that is saved to the DSLR?

It would be nice to be able to identify the individual RAW files (e.g. NEF for Nikon or CR2 for Canon) by name just like I can do when looking at the FIT file. This is especially true when capturing multiple sets of subs at different exposure lengths. 

david.nozadze 1.91
·  1 like
Most probably cameras' file management sofrware can't support long file names. All brands still use 8 symbol name and 3 symbol extension fromat from good old MS DOS times 
bluespeck 1.51
@David Nozadze Good point. I hadn't thought of that but it makes sense. Thanks.
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