New acquisition details form available for testing AstroBin Beta Testers · Salvatore Iovene · ... · 56 · 1014 · 8

derekm_abin 0.00
Hello Salvatore,
Thanks for activating the new acquisition details form. I entered my multi year/multi camera  image details with ease! So much better than the old system.
Just a  very, very minor point I came across:

 I had to change the year from 2023 -> 2020 (for example) which is very easy to do by clicking on the date field, click on the calendar popup, then clicking the year field and using the up/down arrows to increment or decrement the year. If you don't first click on the calendar and just click in the year field and use up and down arrows the year will either be 0001 or 275760. If you try to type in the year, the year field displays any number but the year you typed.

I am using Safari 16.2 on Ventura 13.1 OS.

Everything else worked great for that image.

M81 - Combination data 2020, 2021 (LRGB) and 2023 (OSC)

I will be happy to help with more beta testing and feedback so I will keep an eye on this  group.


afjk 3.58
When adding session details and detailing calibration information, the cursor jumps back to the first field when entering cooling data and bortle sky type. 
moving to the box again works and allows data to be entered, but has to be done. 

(experienced on a iphone with chrome)
When adding session details and detailing calibration information, the cursor jumps back to the first field when entering cooling data and bortle sky type. 
moving to the box again works and allows data to be entered, but has to be done. 

(experienced on a iphone with chrome)

Hi Arny,

I cannot replicate this. Can you send me precise replication instructions (exactly what you click and what you type)?

Paul.Puntin 3.31
Hello Salvatore,

I’ve just had a small issue when adding the acquisition details for my latest image. I entered the first session and added the extra information regarding sensor temp, etc. I then copied this line so I could add the next session by amending what I’d added for the first session (date and number of exposures as everything else was the same). I did this another 2 times, however, the sensor temp incremented by one on each line. I only discovered this when I about to upload my image to the public area and saw that I had data at different temperatures, i.e. -15, -16, -17. So my first line was -15 and when I checked the acquisition details for each line sure enough, the temp had been incremented by one. I corrected each line and this worked.

I didn’t have this issue with the form previously.
Edited ...
Paul Puntin:
Hello Salvatore,

I’ve just had a small issue when adding the acquisition details for my latest image. I entered the first session and added the extra information regarding sensor temp, etc. I then copied this line so I could add the next session by amending what I’d added for the first session (date and number of exposures as everything else was the same). I did this another 2 times, however, the sensor temp incremented by one on each line. I only discovered this when I about to upload my image to the public area and saw that I had data at different temperatures, i.e. -15, -16, -17. So my first line was -15 and when I checked the acquisition details for each line sure enough, the temp had been incremented by one. I corrected each line and this worked.

I didn’t have this issue with the form previously.

Hi Paul,

I tried this and I cannot reproduce it.

Could you please try this either on an existing image (nothing is saved if you don't click on the Save button) or on a new test image?

If you can reproduce this in a 100% reliable fashion, please let me know the exact minimal steps to reproduce. This doesn't sound like something that could happen randomly, so if it's happening then there has to be a set of conditions that make it happen every time, if satisfied.

Paul.Puntin 3.31
I've found the issue. I don't know if it is a design feature or bug or just the type of field control used, but as the additional properties form is quite long, I tend to use the mouse wheel to scroll down to the next field I want to fill in (rather than tab or page down), but if the mouse cursor is in the field, say sensor temp, and I enter -15, then when I use the mouse wheel to scroll the page down, the number in the field increments as the form scrolls down (as soon as the cursor changes to an arrow from the I cursor it stops).

I saw the same thing happen when I was in the flat darks box, I typed in 50, scrolled down using the mouse wheel and the number changed to 48. I guess this is a function of the type of input box where using the mouse wheel changes the number up or down depending upon which direction you push the mouse wheel. This works ok for the main acquisition details form as the form fits my monitor  but with the longer form the wheel is performing 2 functions: scrolling the page up or down but if the cursor is still in the field I just yped a number in, it scrolls the number up or down in the box as well until the cursor leaves the field.

I hope I've explained the circumstances clearly enough. At least I know now to only scroll down using the mouse wheel when the cursor is not in one of the fields (that is when the cursor an arrow and not the I, so that I don't accidentally change anything).

So I guess this is a user issue rather than a bug, i.e. how I use my mouse.
Well the input fields are of "type=number", as they should be so you cannot type words in them, and the browser interprets the scroll wheel input as an increment/decrement action. Nothing really AstroBin can do about it and you will find this behavior on any other website that uses number inputs.
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