Contains:  Gear
New Gear and Hurricane Ida, Alex

New Gear and Hurricane Ida

New Gear and Hurricane Ida, Alex

New Gear and Hurricane Ida


A couple weeks ago I received my new William Optics FLT 132.  I actually had a clear night to use it, but I still need to process the data.  People also say that new gear brings clouds.  Well next time I have a new scope coming during hurricane season I am refusing delivery.  This past Sunday we spent almost half a day in hurricane force winds with the eye of Hurricane Ida sitting a few miles from us for a few hours.  We were lucky that it turned and kept east of us, but it stalled right as it got to us to make it's turn.  The good news is we are all safe and other than my fence being lost, which I installed less than a year ago, we only had minor shingle damage.  We lost water for a couple days, and we still don't have power; however, we have a whole home generator to power our house.  We just got internet prior to me posting, and cell service has been spotty.  All in all we were blessed to not have worse.  One of the craziest things is I needed an extra counterweight for my EQ6-R Pro, and FedEx delivered it on Saturday even though this area was under mandatory evacuation orders.  Anyway, the scope seems really nice, but I need to get to processing.  We are probably Bortle 1 or 2 with no one having power around here, but I've been too tired to try to get my gear out.  We'll be back to Bortle 6 in a couple weeks likely.




New Gear and Hurricane Ida, Alex