Contains:  Solar system body or event
Evolution of Jupiter's atmosphere during 2023, Andrea Iorio

Evolution of Jupiter's atmosphere during 2023

Acquisition type: Lucky imaging



Acquisition details



This gif represents a speed-up movie of Jupiter's atmosphere changes near the Great Red Spot (GRS) during 2023. This movie began as a 41-frame animation of Jupiter. Each of the 41 images derived from videos taken in different parts of the world (Africa, China, France, Spain, and USA), in different periods of 2023 and by different amateur astrophotographers who processed their data and deposited the images in the PVOL (Planetary Virtual Observatory & Laboratory) searchable database.
I filtered sets of images (from 1st January 2023 to 31st December 2023) featuring the GRS near the center of Jupiter's disk, and reprojected them in order to highlights the motions of the clouds that happen from Jupiter month to Jupiter month. I reprocessed the images to make them similar chromatically and then I transformed them into linear maps. The maps were aligned and stacked and used to produce the movie.
This animation allows us to clearly see the movements at different speeds and different orientations of the distinct cloud layers.

Acknowledgments. I thank the PVOL searchable database ( and the following astrophotographers who kindly made their images publicly available: F. Brion, M. Duke, M. Ruiz, M. Hood, P. Montplet Sanz, T. Wilson, G. Walker, C. Labordena, C. Foster, A. Caseli, J. L. Ferrer, D. Ryva, K. Lep, I. L. Rey, E. Grafton.

Credits: Andrea Iorio 
Data copyright: PVOL searchable database (, F. Brion, M. Duke, M. Ruiz, M. Hood, P. Montplet Sanz, T. Wilson, G. Walker, C. Labordena, C. Foster, A. Caseli, J. L. Ferrer, D. Ryva, K. Lep, I. L. Rey, E. Grafton
