The Great Cluster of Hercules (M13), Adrian Knagg-Baugh

The Great Cluster of Hercules (M13)

The Great Cluster of Hercules (M13), Adrian Knagg-Baugh

The Great Cluster of Hercules (M13)



Acquisition details



The Great Cluster of Hercules contains several hundred thousand stars and sits around 22-25kly away from Earth. Single stars in the cluster were resolved as long ago as 1779. It contains a large number of relatively bright variable stars of various types, mostly Mira-type stars but also Cepheids. In this image I've aimed to retain star coloration - globular clusters contain young bluish stars known as "blue stragglers" and you can also see many red giant stars such as the bright V1554 Herculis - and also stretch the brightness in order to show a little more of the extent of the cluster rather than only the dense core.

There are a couple of obvious galaxies - NGC 6207 is the largest in the frame, and IC 4617 lies between it and M13 - and if you look at the full resolution image a few more distant galaxies can be seen here and there: CGCG 197-1 and CGCG 197-2 can be made out directly below the cluster, and N6196, N6197 and IC4614 in the top left hand corner.



The Great Cluster of Hercules (M13), Adrian Knagg-Baugh