Contains:  Solar system body or event
Sunrise in Mare Humorum and Gassendi / Amanecer en Mare Humorum y Gassendi, Zoilo Diaz Corredor

Sunrise in Mare Humorum and Gassendi / Amanecer en Mare Humorum y Gassendi

Sunrise in Mare Humorum and Gassendi / Amanecer en Mare Humorum y Gassendi, Zoilo Diaz Corredor

Sunrise in Mare Humorum and Gassendi / Amanecer en Mare Humorum y Gassendi



Acquisition details



Hola a todos.
Francamente tenia muchas dudas de si subir esta imagen. Tuve problemas con el seguimiento, la noche no era buena, ha salido demasiado contrastada y "fea". Ademas para hacer una buena captura de Gassendi (que era mi idea original) sencillamente no era el momento.
Sin embargo, despues de darle vueltas, tiene detalles que me gustan. Las crestas concentricas en el Mare Humorum, la sombra que proyectan los picos centrales de Gassendi, son detalles que aunque la captura no me llene, me gustan.
Ya habra tiempo de fotografiar al anillo de la luna en condiciones...
Como siempre, mis disculpas por el mal ingles de google :-)

Hi all.
Frankly, I had many doubts about uploading this image. I had problems with tracking, the night was not good, it came out too contrasty and "ugly". Also to make a good capture of Gassendi (which was my original idea) it was simply not the time.
However, after thinking about it, it has details that I like. The concentric crests in the Mare Humorum, the shadow projected by the central peaks of Gassendi, are details that although the capture does not fill me, I like them.
There will be time to photograph the ring of the moon in conditions...
As always, my apologies for the bad google english :-)



Sunrise in Mare Humorum and Gassendi / Amanecer en Mare Humorum y Gassendi, Zoilo Diaz Corredor