NGC 7000 & IC5070 (3 x 2 mosaic), catnipper

NGC 7000 & IC5070 (3 x 2 mosaic)

Acquisition type: Electronically-Assisted Astronomy (EAA, e.g. based on a live video feed)
NGC 7000 & IC5070 (3 x 2 mosaic), catnipper

NGC 7000 & IC5070 (3 x 2 mosaic)

Acquisition type: Electronically-Assisted Astronomy (EAA, e.g. based on a live video feed)



Acquisition details



Mosaic (2 x 3) taken during 4 short nights in my light polluted backyard with lights from nearby cities such as Strasbourg. Although the total exposure time is ~13 hours, the real exposure time has been ~2.5 hours per pixel in SHO narrowband.

Imaging was pretty straight forward using the new mosaic plan in ASIAIR beta. After setting up in the SkyCatalog on the tablet there was not much more to do each night than to just manually change the filters, set the start time for the plan and hit run - cooling, focus, meridian, guiding, dithering... I know from evaluating other great software such as NINA is even more powerful than that, but in the end I again came back using ASIAIR as EAA which is so incredible comfortable to run on the tablet.

So not shooting mono narrowband for a very long time I was alway a bit reluctant to overdue colors - and espacially dong starless versions. But with this large FOV of 4° in square format I could not resist... I think although pinpoint stars are really a good indicators for quality and the object scale I personally really prefer this version.

After waiting for several hours to do the normalization, registration and mosaic stitching in APP I was finally able to tackle RGB combination and L processing in PixInsight. Whereas RGB combination has been done straightforward with very little image processing other than initial stretch, Luminance as a stack of all three SHO narrowband images has been denoised and deconvoluted before applying to the RGB channels. The basic curves and histogram transformation has been started in PixInisight - but the final processing was done in Photoshop and stars removed with the new AI algorithm from StarXTerminator (amazing there were no artifacts left at all).

Hope you enjoy this version,
Clear skies!



NGC 7000 & IC5070 (3 x 2 mosaic), catnipper