Contains:  Solar system body or event
LAC 001:  North Pole of the Moon, Howard Fink

LAC 001: North Pole of the Moon

LAC 001:  North Pole of the Moon, Howard Fink

LAC 001: North Pole of the Moon



Acquisition details



Digital Elevation Model of the North Pole of the Moon.  Data provided by LRO LOLA Team at NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center.  Illumination of model done in Blender, with Sun in the West at 20 degrees of elevation to illuminate the floors of craters normally in perpetual darkness.  View is from South looking North away from Earth.  Lunar Astronautical Chart 1 is round, ten degrees from the pole; data provided by NASA is a square array.



LAC 001:  North Pole of the Moon, Howard Fink