Contains:  Northern lights
Red Aurora During the Full-moon, Dennis Lehtonen

Red Aurora During the Full-moon

Red Aurora During the Full-moon, Dennis Lehtonen

Red Aurora During the Full-moon



Acquisition details



Sodankylä, Finland
February 11-2022
The aurora parameters were pretty quiet early on as the Bz-value was hugely positive (bad thing) so I was considering going to sauna, but before that I checked the parameters one last time and they had taken a complete U-turn. So I packed my gear and cycled few kilometers to a swamp area located in middle of a forest. Spent maybe one hour waiting and saw nothing. However at this point I checked the sky with my camera and saw something I had never seen before; half of the sky was covered in faint red auroras with zero green auroras. I knew something huge was about to happen any moment now and yeah, the sky came raining down. At around midnight the auroras had escaped to the the south horizon, meaning people in south- and mid Finland had decent auroras as well.



Red Aurora During the Full-moon, Dennis Lehtonen