Horsehead and Flame Nebula, thornerz

Horsehead and Flame Nebula

Horsehead and Flame Nebula, thornerz

Horsehead and Flame Nebula



Acquisition details



Taken 11-10-21.
This was with my OLD 8'-f/6 Meade Newtonian from about 1980ish and it apparently has an issue with the secondary spider as the image shows. Another issue is the the artifacts possible from  faint satellites that I didn't notice in the previews. Anyway, this was my first attempt using my Canon EOS 90D Astro-modified and the Skywatcher EQ6-R Pro for a long exposure. I will have to go back thru each frame to delete the satellites and re-process.. 
1220 mm, f/6, iso800, 303 X 35 sec, unguided, darks, flats, dark flats, bias frames. Bortle 5/6 sky. DeepSkyStacker, Photoshop
This was exciting and I'm happy to share.



Horsehead and Flame Nebula, thornerz