NGC 1499: Fine Art spin-off, Ruediger

NGC 1499: Fine Art spin-off

NGC 1499: Fine Art spin-off, Ruediger

NGC 1499: Fine Art spin-off



Acquisition details



Hello Friends,

this is a spinn-off of my latest project and and my first attempt in fine arts.

The data was collected during my last project, but this image contains more data, some was left out. So I had decided to release it as an individual image. Otherwise you can not assign it other groups.

Also I have allowed myself to be more invasive to the data. It was a balance between clone stamping all residual star artifacts and allowing some. And to be honest: The more you go into art, the more degrees of freedom you have and you re-do it over and over. It is simply a matter of taste.
My goal was to create a plastic, 3D look of the nebula and allow you to dive into its structures - Like a dramatic scene of science fiction movie.

Also allow me a proactive disclaimer: This is not a scientific image, but simply nice to look at. I am aware there is huge controversy about these types of images. Therefore I invite all who like it to enjoy it, and for the other group I promise the are more realistic image coming. You also will find a pure, minimal invasive RGB version in the original project image.

So I hope I can satisfy both parties

Pleas enjoy!

Basic project:
