Contains:  Solar system body or event
Sonnenflecke / Sun Spots - 20220518, firstLight

Sonnenflecke / Sun Spots - 20220518

Sonnenflecke / Sun Spots - 20220518, firstLight

Sonnenflecke / Sun Spots - 20220518



Acquisition details



Sonnenflecke / Sun Spots - 20220518

> please compare with today's NASA image as a reference

Still good seeing though a bit worse than yesterday and no clouds at all this morning. The Sun's active regions are busy – changes between yesterday and today are obvious:
  • some Sun spot groups seem to vanish / fade
  • the most prominent Sun spot group (upper left) grow

Capture time was at 07:45 h CEST (05:45 h UTC).

> please view today's seeing animation I made from the 100 single shots I took.

Small spots as well as bigger ones with deep umbra and nice penumbra. Also some really hot (the brightest) ARs are still visible, though being farther away from the Sun's borders.



Sonnenflecke / Sun Spots - 20220518, firstLight