Contains:  Other
8" Dob Catches ISS Over Excellent Seeing, Andrei Dumitriu

8" Dob Catches ISS Over Excellent Seeing

Acquisition type: Lucky imaging



Acquisition details



One of the best seeing conditions I've ever experienced from my location happened to be exactly during the ISS flyby of that morning. Couldn't be more grateful for that, as I've been chasing this bird for quite some while now and once the final image got polished, I was delighted to see all those details along with the iROSA panels that were recently installed.

This was captured on 09/09/23 at 02:03 AM UT by manually tracking the ISS using an 8" Dob while high in the sky around 74° and an apparent mag of -3.9 on. There were fantastic conditions, and I've literally rubbed my eyes: seeing was 9/10 and trans 8/10. As for camera settings, I've exposed at 0.4ms with a gain of 275, yielding a color image composed of 37 frames from which around 50% were kept for stacking and sharpening. I wish I could capture more frames but my sniper skills aren't the best on the market, but improving.



8" Dob Catches ISS Over Excellent Seeing, Andrei Dumitriu