Contains:  Solar system body or event
Jupiter (LRGB, IR & CH4) 14.09.2023, 03:37 UT - 04:11 UT, MrCrazyPhysicist

Jupiter (LRGB, IR & CH4) 14.09.2023, 03:37 UT - 04:11 UT

Acquisition type: Lucky imaging
Jupiter (LRGB, IR & CH4) 14.09.2023, 03:37 UT - 04:11 UT, MrCrazyPhysicist

Jupiter (LRGB, IR & CH4) 14.09.2023, 03:37 UT - 04:11 UT

Acquisition type: Lucky imaging



Acquisition details



On the morning of Sep 14th 2023, I captured my best LRGB Jupiter image with the C14 so far. After switching from Hyperstar to prime focus mode, I did the usual collimation & seeing test on Capella. The Airy disc and large to complete arcs of the first Airy ring are visible most of the time, so I assume fair - good seeing conditions (Pickering ~6-7). For processing the RGB data, I used the LRGB approach by Damian Peach, which is described in much more detail in his 10 part tutorial series Jupiter from Barbados - Complete Workflow.

Compared to the Jupiter image from Sep 7th 2023, which was captured under poor seeing conditions, Oval BA and GRS show some internal details, beside numerous small-scale details across the whole Jupiter disc.

According to this tutorial by Chris Go, I only focus the image for the green filter correctly and then use the same focus position of the Celestron EF for imaging with the red and blue filters. While the filters are obviously not homfocal, the difference might only have an impact on the image quality during excellent seeing conditions. During average seeing conditions, an accurate focus point is quite hard to estimate anyway, so this approach seem to be sufficient and safes a lot of time. The focus position of the Baader IR and CH4 filters also seem to be quite similar.

Original: LRGB image (03:45 UT)
Revision B: IR image (03:57 UT)
Revision C: CH4 image (04:07 UT)

If you want to process the data yourself, I uploaded the raw stacks straight out of AS!3 here.

14.09.2023 (03:37 UT - 04:11 UT)

Celestron C14 Edge HD @ f=6650 mm (F/28), res = 0.09"/px
+ Celestron CGE Pro mount
+ Celestron EF
+ ZWO ASI 290 MM
+ Baader 2x VIP Barlow
+ Astronomik RGB filter
+ Baader IR (685 nm) filter
+ Baader CH4 (889 nm) filter
+ Tempest Cooler
+ Omegon Dew Heater
+ Astrozap Dew Shield for C 14

Very short imaging train: I simply screwed the Baader VIP Barlow into the nose piece of the ZWO EFW. However, the small pixel size of the ZWO ASI 290 MM leads to a pixel scale of 0.09"/px at a reasonable f-ratio of f/28.

R: 4 x SER movie
G: 9 x SER movies
B: 4 x SER movies
IR: 5 x SER movies
5000 frames/movie
1x1 bin

CH4: 6 x 120 s SER movies
2x2 bin

recorded with Firecapture

Jupiter 49° above the horizon
Seeing: Pickering 6-7 (fair - good)



- Stacking 50% of the frames/movie (IRRGB)
- Image Stabilization Planet
- Quality Estimator: Laplace, Noise Robust 5, Local
- Reference Frame: Autosize
- Normalize Stack 90%
- Minimum AP size = 104, Min Bright = 45, Multi-Scale

- wavelet sharpening using layer 2 & 3, step increment = 2, contrast= 95

Photoshop CS2:
- increase image size by 160 % using bicubic interpolation (smooth)

LRGB image

- image measurement of RGB images
- image de-rotation & stacking of all RGB images into one luminance image
- image de-rotation & stacking of 4xR images into one R master image
- image de-rotation & stacking of 4xB images into one B master image
- image de-rotation & stacking of 4xG images centered around the time of the lum image into one G master image
- RGB image de-rotation of R,G and B master images into RGB image

Photoshop CS2:
- apply unsharp mask to lum image
- apply unsharp mask to RGB image
- color desaturation of the blue and red colors at the planetary limbs
- combine lum and RGB image into LRGB
- local sharpening of features of features in the polar regions and STB using unsharp mask
- darkening of the background
- increase canvas size

Topaz Denoise 6:
- noise reduction of LRGB image

IR image

- image measurement of IR images
- image de-rotation of 5xIR images into one IR master image

Photoshop CS2:
- apply unsharp mask to IR image

Topaz Denoise 6:
- noise reduction of IR image

CH4 image

- Stacking 80% of the frames/movie
- Image Stabilization Planet
- Quality Estimator: Laplace, Noise Robust 5, Local
- Reference Frame: Autosize
- Normalize Stack 90%
- Minimum AP size = 48, Min Bright = 20, Multi-Scale

- wavelet sharpening using layer 3 & 4, step increment = 0, contrast= 95

Photoshop CS2:
- increase image size by 320 % using bicubic interpolation (smooth)

- image measurement of CH4 images
- image de-rotation & stacking of 6xCH4 images into one CH4 master image

Topaz Denoise 6:
- noise reduction of CH4 image

Schwentinental (Germany)

-CS Daniel



  • Final
    Jupiter (LRGB, IR & CH4) 14.09.2023, 03:37 UT - 04:11 UT, MrCrazyPhysicist
  • Jupiter (LRGB, IR & CH4) 14.09.2023, 03:37 UT - 04:11 UT, MrCrazyPhysicist
  • Jupiter (LRGB, IR & CH4) 14.09.2023, 03:37 UT - 04:11 UT, MrCrazyPhysicist


Title: Jupiter IR (685 nm)

Uploaded: ...


Title: Jupiter CH4 (889 nm)

Uploaded: ...


Jupiter (LRGB, IR & CH4) 14.09.2023, 03:37 UT - 04:11 UT, MrCrazyPhysicist