Contains:  Solar system body or event
Craters Clavius, Moretus, Blancanus and South pole of the moon, on the 10th lunar day, Georges
Craters Clavius, Moretus, Blancanus and South pole of the moon, on the 10th lunar day, Georges

Craters Clavius, Moretus, Blancanus and South pole of the moon, on the 10th lunar day

Revision title: correction de quelques artéfacts

Acquisition type: Lucky imaging
Craters Clavius, Moretus, Blancanus and South pole of the moon, on the 10th lunar day, Georges
Craters Clavius, Moretus, Blancanus and South pole of the moon, on the 10th lunar day, Georges

Craters Clavius, Moretus, Blancanus and South pole of the moon, on the 10th lunar day

Revision title: correction de quelques artéfacts

Acquisition type: Lucky imaging



Acquisition details



Voici une nouvelle image de notre satellite Sélénien montrant la région du pole sud avec au premier plan les cratères Clavius, Moretus et Blancanus et en arrière plan le pole sud . Cette image fut prise le 29 Mai dernier, deux jours après mon image publiée récemment qui pointait la région du pole sud où avait du alunir la sonde indienne Chandrayann 3 le 23 aout dernier .
Je suis plutôt content de ce panorama, car c'est la première fois que j'arrive à pointer le pole sud de la Lune , même si celui-ci est au bord de l'image ....

En bonus, je vous poste l'image annotée que vous pourrez faire apparaitre en survolant l'image principale avec la souris..

La vidéo est de 180s, faite avec le filtre IR642
Image : Lune de 10 jours
FPS: 80 images/s
Exposure = 12000us
Gain = 50
Nombre d'images totales : ~ 14000 (3% retenues)

A bientôt pour de nouvelles aventures lunaires..

Here is a new image from our Selenian satellite showing the south pole region with the craters Clavius, Moretus and Blancanus in the foreground and the south pole in the background. This image was taken on May 29, two days after my recently published image which pointed to the region of the South Pole where the Indian Lander Chandrayann 3 must have landed on August 23.
I am quite happy with this panorama, because it is the first time that I have managed to point out the south pole of the Moon, even if it is at the edge of the image....

As a bonus, I'm posting the annotated image that you can display by hovering over the main image with the mouse.

The video is 180s, made with the IR642 filter
Image: 10 day moon
FPS: 80fps
Exposure = 12000us
Profit = 50
Number of total images: ~ 14000 (3% retained)

See you soon for new lunar adventures..



  • Craters Clavius, Moretus, Blancanus and South pole of the moon, on the 10th lunar day, Georges
  • Craters Clavius, Moretus, Blancanus and South pole of the moon, on the 10th lunar day, Georges
  • Final
    Craters Clavius, Moretus, Blancanus and South pole of the moon, on the 10th lunar day, Georges


Title: image annotée

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Title: correction de quelques artéfacts

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Craters Clavius, Moretus, Blancanus and South pole of the moon, on the 10th lunar day, Georges