Celestial hemisphere:  Northern  ·  Constellation: Ursa Major (UMa)  ·  Contains:  24 d UMa  ·  Bode's Galaxy  ·  Cigar Galaxy  ·  M 81  ·  M 82  ·  NGC 2959  ·  NGC 2961  ·  NGC 3031  ·  NGC 3034  ·  NGC 3077  ·  The star 24UMa
M81 and M82 swimming in IFN, Antoine Grelin
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M81 and M82 swimming in IFN, Antoine Grelin
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Acquisition details



I processed this image with the main goal of bringing out as much IFN as possible. This is very difficult to do and meant I had to sacrifice a great amount of detail in the actual galaxies, and had to accept a rather annoying amount of noise from the background space. But because my priority was to display as much of the IFN as I could, I am okay with the result. M81 is still beautiful and the starburst galaxy M82 shows a ton of Hydrogen Alpha which is great. I do not have much experience with processing IFN so this was a great challenge!
The data was acquired by Craig Stocks from Utah Desert Remote Observatories.

Please see this link for all information and previous images: https://www.galactic-hunter.com/post/m81-m82-bode-s-galaxy-the-cigar-galaxy

Acquisition Info:
Target: M81/M82 with IFN
Camera: ZWO ASI6200MM
Filters: LRGBHa
Telescope: Takahashi FSQ-106
Time total: 20.25 hours total.


Sky plot

Sky plot


M81 and M82 swimming in IFN, Antoine Grelin