Celestial hemisphere:  Northern  ·  Constellation: Virgo (Vir)  ·  Contains:  NGC 4457
Supernova SN2020nvb in galaxy NGC 4457, Valerio Oss
Supernova SN2020nvb in galaxy NGC 4457
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Supernova SN2020nvb in galaxy NGC 4457

Supernova SN2020nvb in galaxy NGC 4457, Valerio Oss
Supernova SN2020nvb in galaxy NGC 4457
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Supernova SN2020nvb in galaxy NGC 4457



Acquisition details



This transient discovered on 1st of July is now a confirmed type Ia supernova, SN 2020nvb, probably still a few days before maximum. It is expected to rise for a few more days.

Supernova SN2020nvb in NGC4457 - Type Ia

discovered 2020/07/01.549 by Koichi Itagaki (Jap)

Constellation: Virgo

Approx. Mag.13

Distance: 54,8 millions light years

ASA telescope @ f/3.8 - F=1900mm - D=500mm

Luminance on CCD Camera FLI PROLINE 16803

Integration 2x180s

Location: Chilescope/Chile

2020/07/04.016 - (00:23 UTC)

Photo and Editing in Pixinsight & Photoshop by Valerio Oss


Sky plot

Sky plot


Supernova SN2020nvb in galaxy NGC 4457, Valerio Oss