The Mask, BogdanBordeianu

The Mask

The Mask, BogdanBordeianu

The Mask



Acquisition details



SH2-173, also called Phantom of the Opera due to it’s resemblance to a theatrical ghost mask, is a HII region with a diameter of 77 light years, approximately 8800 light-years away from Earth. It is located in the constellation of Cassiopeia in the Perseus arm, on of the main arms of our Milky Way. SH2-173 is estimated to be about 600,000 to 1,000,000 years old.

Technical details:
Scope: SkyWatcher Esprit 120
Camera: ZWO Asi 2600mm pro
Imaging platform: ZWO AsiAir Pro
Guiding: Sky Watcher EQ6r Pro, ZWO Asi 290mm, Svbony 60mm guidescope
Total exposure time: 14 hours
Frames: H 157 x 300s, R 60 x 60s, G 60 x 60, B 60x 60s



The Mask, BogdanBordeianu