M81 - M82, NiklasWodtke

M81 - M82

M81 - M82, NiklasWodtke

M81 - M82



Acquisition details



With the start of the galaxy season I was wondering what to do with my 480mm focal length. So I thought I would not only try to get my first good galaxy image, but also my biggest and most difficult project so far. I planned to spend every night without a big nebula in the sky on the beautiful galaxy pair M81 - M82. I was hoping for at least 50h of luminance, but unfortunately the clearest nights were full moon nights. So in the end I had a total exposure time of 50h with 30h luminance and 20h H-alpha.
It was quite a challenge to process this image as I have absolutely no experience in this area of astrophotography but im really pleased with the outcome.



M81 - M82, NiklasWodtke