IC 1848 Soul Nebula in Cassiopeia, John Leimgruber

IC 1848 Soul Nebula in Cassiopeia

IC 1848 Soul Nebula in Cassiopeia, John Leimgruber

IC 1848 Soul Nebula in Cassiopeia



Acquisition details



The lovely Soul Nebula in dual narrow-band. Similar workflow as my Heart Nebula but with a little more color saturation and wavelet denoise/sharpening towards the end.

I tried longer 4 minute subs to hopefully reduce on shot noise, but had more saturated stars than the 3 minute ones I used on the Heart. Didn't manage to shoot any flats/bias for this one either.

Excited that N.I.N.A. allows me to image the same object over consecutive nights with my travel rig. The fact it can plate solve the "Manual Rotator" to within a degree is so handy! I still need to dial in HocusFocus configuration as maybe backlash or something led to a couple hours of soft focus.



IC 1848 Soul Nebula in Cassiopeia, John Leimgruber