Celestial hemisphere:  Southern  ·  Constellation: Centaurus (Cen)  ·  Contains:  IC 2944  ·  IC 2948  ·  The star λCen  ·  lam Cen  ·  lam Cen Nebula  ·  lambda Cen nebula
IC2944 Running Chicken Nebula, vikas chander
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IC2944 Running Chicken Nebula, vikas chander
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IC 2944, also known as the Running Chicken Nebula is an open cluster with an associated emission nebula found in the constellation Centaurus, near the star λ Centauri. It features Bok globules, which are frequently a site of active star formation. However, no evidence for star formation has been found in any of the globules in IC 2944. The region of nebulosity includes both IC 2944 and IC 2948, as well as the fainter IC 2872 nearby. IC 2948 is the brightest emission and reflection nebulae towards the southeast, while IC 2944 is the cluster of stars and surrounding nebulosity stretching towards λ Centauri.


Sky plot

Sky plot


IC2944 Running Chicken Nebula, vikas chander

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Southern Hemisphere Astro