M106, Matt Cole


M106, Matt Cole




Acquisition details



M106 is known as an intermediate spiral galaxy and is approximately 22-26 MILLION light years distant.  M106 is a rare (10% or less of Galaxies) Seyfert Galaxy which is a galaxy that gives off an inordinate amount of radiation and Xray’s from their cores.  Scientists have measured that there is a supermassive black hole in the center of the galaxy that results in just the core being more luminous than our entire Milky Way galaxy combined.      
The first night of this shoot was cut short by clouds.  Night two I got the whole night to dedicate to M106 and seeing on this night was pretty good despite lots of moon pollution.  I really love my new Optolong L Quad Enhanced Filter.  It really seems to minimize the effects of light pollution and moonlight pollution. 

Object: M106, NGC 4258
Shots taken: March 17, 18, 19, 2024
Telescope: Astro Tech 115mm EDT w/AT Field Flattener
Tripod & Mount: Skywatcher HEQ5 Pro on a JMI Medium Heavy Duty wheeley bar
Camera: Canon EOS Digital Rebel T7i (800D) - Astro Modified HA, SII 
Filter: 2” Optolong L Quad Enhanced   
Guide Scope: Sky Watcher Evo Guide 50mm ED
Guide Cam: ZWO ASI 290mm Mini
Dither: 10 pix. every 3rd shot
Capture: ZWO ASI AIR Plus 256GB- Focus-  Backyard EOS
Orion Dew Zapper- Powered by Apertura 155wh Portable Power Tank
Exposures- 180 seconds @ ISO 800x 190
Total Integration: 190 frames = 9 hours 30 minutes
Stacked with: PixInsight WBPP High Quality, Drizzle 2x
Edited: PixInsight - BlurXTerminator, NoiseXTerminator, StarXTerminator, EZ Processing Suite (soft stretch) & Adobe Photoshop 2024
Shot in my moderately light polluted backyard - Bortle: 7
Moon- 60% Night 1, 69% Night 2 
Darks: 40, Flats: 40, Bias: 40



M106, Matt Cole