Celestial hemisphere:  Northern  ·  Constellation: Auriga (Aur)  ·  Contains:  NGC 1893  ·  The star 18 Aur  ·  The star 19 Aur
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Last year I shot it with the small Takahashi Fs60 CB refractor, I checked some raw files and said to myself, wow, great job!! about 10 hours of acquisition at F6.2 focal length. It was a Saturday and the next morning I had to work on pouring concrete as a basis for my future observatory. On Sunday I very quickly dismantled the entire telescope and put the USB stick with the lights taken with the IC 405 and 410 in my pocket. I worked on the preparation of the cement and once the casting was finished, I realized that I no longer had it in my pocket. the USB. And already, my files have been cemented and lie peacefully at the base of my observatory.
Now with the IC410 I want to avenge the damage done last year!!!

The Tadpole Nebula is a complex structure, located about 20,000 light years away from us, in the constellation of Auriga. At its center it presents a sort of cavity in which the star cluster NGC 1893 is located, made up of numerous young stars.

THE TADDOLS: Particularly notable slightly to the top right of the photo, two rather dense streams of material stand out moving away from the central regions of the nebula. These “tadpole”-shaped structures (hence the name of the nebula) are potential sites of star birth and stretch for about 10 light years, while the entire nebula is estimated to be around 100 light years. With the fastest man-made probe it would take about 180,000 years just to travel one "tadpole".
