M31 (Andromeda) from Bortle 6, DrBazUK

M31 (Andromeda) from Bortle 6

M31 (Andromeda) from Bortle 6, DrBazUK

M31 (Andromeda) from Bortle 6



Acquisition details



OTA: Skywatcher 200p on NEQ6 Pro mount (with belt upgrade).
Camera: Canon 70D
Images: 145*90s light frames. 40*90s dark frames. No bias or flat frames.
No filters in image train.

Processed in Siril (using OSC script without bias or flats) then colour correction and levels before final tweaking in GIMP.

This is my first time of going through the entire process of capture then processing and I'm totally hooked. I started out with the raw images concerned that my mount had missed the target because of the apparent lack of detail but going through the steps to extract the data showed what was there all along and my Goto and polar alignment has been getting better and better.



M31 (Andromeda) from Bortle 6, DrBazUK