Jones 1 planetary nebula in front of distant galaxies (Arp 46 and UGC 12667), Dan_I

Jones 1 planetary nebula in front of distant galaxies (Arp 46 and UGC 12667)

Jones 1 planetary nebula in front of distant galaxies (Arp 46 and UGC 12667), Dan_I

Jones 1 planetary nebula in front of distant galaxies (Arp 46 and UGC 12667)



Acquisition details



Jones 1 (a.k.a. PK104 29.1) is a rather large but rather faint planetary nebula in Pegasus. Framing was chosen to include the interacting pair of galaxies Arp 46 ( UGC 12665) as well as the spiral galaxy  UGC 12667.

Imaged from my Bortle 7 backyard in Paris' suburb,  with hazy skies but rather good seeing (1.7" median FWHM on the luminance stack)



Jones 1 planetary nebula in front of distant galaxies (Arp 46 and UGC 12667), Dan_I