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Messier 78: In the Orion B Complex, Alex Woronow

Messier 78: In the Orion B Complex

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Messier 78: In the Orion B Complex, Alex Woronow

Messier 78: In the Orion B Complex



Acquisition details



Messier 78: In the Orion B Complex

Camera: STX11002
Observatory: Bernard Miller, NM
Date of Capture: Jan '21
Date of Processing: May '24

Exposures Used:
BroadBand: 20hrs
Image Width: 40' 55"

Processing Tools:
1.    Commercial: PixInsight, Topaz, Radiant Photo, PhotoDirector
2.    Pixinsight Addons: NoiseXTerminator, BlurXTerminator, StarXTerminator, StarNet2
3.    My Scripts: NB_Assistant, AC_Restar, Subframe Weighting Tool (Excel w/ J. Hunt), ColorTweaker, StarTweaker

Target Description: (Wikipedia)
These clouds, dark, reflection, and emission nebulae, lie in the constellation of Orion. M78 (NGC 2068), NGC 2064, and the other clouds in this image are members of the "Orion B molecular-cloud complex." Many of the stars illuminating these clouds lie hidden within the clouds, but can be seen in IR images. Just saying, in case you ever have access to a space telescope and wonder were the stars are.

The Orion complex is one of the most active regions of nearby stellar formation visible in the night sky, and is home to both protoplanetary discs and very young stars.

Target Statistics:
Distance: 1,350 ly
Pixel Resolution: 0.63"
Pixel Span at Target: 3.9B km

Alex Woronow



Messier 78: In the Orion B Complex, Alex Woronow