Celestial hemisphere:  Southern  ·  Constellation: Dorado (Dor)  ·  Contains:  NGC 2044
SN1987A, GoldfieldAstro
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SN1987A, GoldfieldAstro
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Acquisition details



Although there is nothing remarkable about having SN1987A in a wide field image of NGC 2070 as it is in most of them even if a lot of people don't give it any attention. What prompted us to post this image of it is that this is the first time we've been able to actually resolve SN1987A. Now, there is no actual detail in the SNR (super nova remnant), we don't have Hubble like resolution BUT we have been able to resolve the SNR from the two stars that appear either side of it.

To give you an idea of what we're talking about... here is a Hubble image of SN1987A:

We don't have the benefit of 0.05"/pixel resolution with no atmosphere and our image hasn't been captured with a Ha filter to even attempt to capture some of the fainter "8" ring surrounding it (is that even possible from the Earths surface?) but we are stoked to have something more than a Ha blob squished between two barely resolved hot blue stars. It's been on a "can we do this?" list for a number of years now.

For those that have never seen where SN1987A is even located within the greater Tarantula nebula complex, we've put a nice small white circle around it.


Sky plot

Sky plot


SN1987A, GoldfieldAstro

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