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Flaming Tadpoles and Starfish, James R Potts

Flaming Tadpoles and Starfish

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Flaming Tadpoles and Starfish, James R Potts

Flaming Tadpoles and Starfish



Acquisition details



This is a 2 panel mosaic containing several popular targets including the Flaming Star and Tadpole Nebula along with the Starfish Cluster.  This is also my image using the ZWO AM5 and my first image using Pixinsight to combine Ha, Su and OIII images.  Man using Pixinsight can be frustrating but cool.  This image is a combination of using Pixinsight, APP and PS.  I could never get nice looking stars in PI, so I used my APP image and extracted the stars in PI, then added those stars back using Pixel math.  I also used some pixel math formulas in combining the HSO and HOO images.

While there are several cataloged targets in this image that are in the same FOV they are not necessarily close to each other.  The Flaming Star nebula is 1,500 light years away while the Tadpole nebula is over 12,000 light years away.  M38 (the Starfish Cluster) is around 4,600 light years away.

Plat-solving not working, but I will keep trying.  I have tried using the Advanced PS, hopefully it works.
