IC 356, Dan_Paris

IC 356

IC 356, Dan_Paris

IC 356



Acquisition details



IC 356 is a faint spiral galaxy in Camelopardalis, obscured by Milky Way dust. Not an easy target under my  suburban skies, especially with the current foggy conditions, to the point that  I had to stop shooting in the middle of chrominance.

Technical data :
200/800 custom newtonian astrograph with Romano Zen optics and carbon fiber tube
TS 2.5" Riccardi-Wynne corrector
ASI1600mm + ZWO LRGB filters
Guiding : ZWO OAG  + ASI120mm mini + AsiairV1
Luminance : 300*60sec at gain 76 and T=-10°C
Chrominance : 55*60sec at gain 76 and T=-10°C for B and R filter, synthetic l;uminance
Darks, flats and dark-flats
Conditions : Bortle 7-8 skies in Paris' suburbs (20km from the Eiffel tower), mist and fog.
Capture : 11/11/2021



IC 356, Dan_Paris