Contains:  Other
Caldwell 49 (The Rosette Nebula), Terry Hancock

Caldwell 49 (The Rosette Nebula)

Caldwell 49 (The Rosette Nebula), Terry Hancock

Caldwell 49 (The Rosette Nebula)


This active star forming nebula lies in the Monoceros Constellation (the Unicorn) only 5,200 light-years distant. This massive cloud of hydrogen has been condensing to form new stars and is thought to be very similar to the environment that gave birth to our own Solar System.

As the new stars ignite they blow off their shrouds and irradiate their surroundings and cause the hydrogen to glow from the ionizing radiation. Like dust being blown by the wind, these newborns push the hydrogen and dust away where it collapses under gravity to accelerate the formation of yet more stars, excavating the inner region of the nebula over time.

The dark tendrils seen in the image are hiding the birthing cocoons of new stars which will eventually shed their egg-like shells, called globules, once they begin to fuse hydrogen into helium. As the birthing continues, the pressure from stellar winds will continue to increase until the available hydrogen has been collapsed into stars (where it has become dense enough) or simply blown away into the interstellar medium.

These structures are very short lived, cosmologically speaking, lasting as little as a few million years.

Image Details

Date of Shoot 8th December 2010

Location: Fremont, Michigan

Camera: Canon 5D Mark II

9 x 15 min sub exposures with flats and dark frames.

Scope: TMB 130SS using WO/TMB 68mm Field Flattener.

Autoguided with Orion Auto Guider on Stellarvue 10x60

Mountain Instruments MI-250 Mount

Image Acquired using Nebulosity II, stacked with Deep Sky stacker and processed with Photoshop CS3.



Caldwell 49 (The Rosette Nebula), Terry Hancock